
Abingdon & District Aunt Sally League has been providing quality players since our founding in 1960. It is our mission to ensure the game of Aunt Sally continues in perpetuity and brings pleasure and sportsmanship to all who play.

1960…… the year……Beer was 1/- (one shilling=5p) a pint, Gary Powers’ U2 spyplane was shot down by Russia, US approve the contraceptive pill, New Zealand broadcast its first TV programme, Woolworths (US) serves its first black customer, Cyprus gained independence from the UK, The Beatles play Hamburg for 48 nights, US submarine surfaces at the North Pole, the first successful kidney transplant was done in the UK, the OECD is formed and…..

the Abingdon and District Aunt Sally League was founded! (although Wikipedia fails to mention this….).

60 years  later the league is still going strong with new teams joining.

WANTED: if you have any old photos or memorabilia (old programmes etc) that we can scan and use to illustrate our history here (and use for our 50th celebrations in 2009) please contact the committee@abingdonauntsally.com.

See also on AuntSallyTV a short video history of the game