Summer 2016 – Sixers and Blobbers Hall of Fame

List of all the Sixers and Blobbers for the 2016 Summer Season

All Sixers 

Week Sixers Score
3 A Wright (Wheatsheaf Drayton), 1-2-6
3 B Adams (Tandem), 4-6-1
10 B Adams (Tandem), 4-6-1
13 B Adams (Tandem), 6-5-2
2 B Moody (Steventon Sports A), 6-4-3
6 B Moody (Steventon Sports A), 6-5-4
2 B O\’Neill (Plough East Hendred), 6-2-0
1 B Parker (Abingdon United B), 6-5-3
6 B Reidy (Berinsfield SC A), 4-3-6
15 B Reidy (Berinsfield SC A), 3-6-3
8 B Stowell (Spread Eagle B), 4-6-2
13 B Stowell (Spread Eagle B), 1-3-6
1 C Higgs (Waggon and Horses B), 0-1-6
16 C Judkins (Black Horse A), 2-1-6
18 D Bradshaw (Hart Harwell A), 1-6-4
18 D Butler (Tandem), 4-6-3
10 D Cross (Spread Eagle B), 3-4-6
9 D Davies (Abingdon United B), 3-4-6
14 D Davies (Abingdon United B), 1-2-6
5 D Dix (Abingdon United B), 6-5-5
6 D Dix (Abingdon United B), 6-5-5
8 D Dix (Abingdon United B), 6-5-6
15 D Dix (Abingdon United B), 5-6-5
2 D Hudson (Spread Eagle), 5-6-6
4 D Hudson (Spread Eagle), 4-6-2
11 D Taylor (Abingdon RBL A), 1-5-6
15 G Brown (Spread Eagle), 3-6-3
18 G Brown (Spread Eagle), 2-6-2
17 G Brown (Spread Eagle), 6-3-2
13 H Moore (Brewery Tap A), 1-1-6
17 J Longford (Tandem), 6-1-2
3 J Simmons (Spread Eagle), 4-6-6
4 J Simmons (Spread Eagle), 2-2-6
7 J Simmons (Spread Eagle), 4-6-2
2 K Fisher (Plum Pudding), 5-6-1
6 K Fisher (Plum Pudding), 6-2-4
14 L Clapton (Abingdon United B), 2-6-3
16 L Clapton (Abingdon United B), 3-4-6
18 M Greenaway (Berinsfield SC A), 3-3-6
4 M Jones (Berinsfield SC A), 3-6-2
2 M Phillips (Spread Eagle), 2-4-6
15 M Phillips (Spread Eagle), 3-2-6
6 M Rusher (Royal Oak Didcot), 4-1-6
6 M Samways (Hart Harwell A), 3-3-6
2 N Weston (Spread Eagle B), 3-6-3
12 N Weston (Spread Eagle B), 5-6-2
14 P Longford (Tandem), 4-6-3
15 P Soden (College Oak A), 2-6-2
2 P Wright (Abingdon United B), 1-2-6
9 R Bumpass (Berinsfield SC), 1-0-6
8 R Bunce (Chequers Charney), 1-5-6
12 R Bunce (Chequers Charney), 1-4-6
14 R Flowers (Hart Harwell A), 6-3-2
4 R Glen (Stanford In the Vale FC), 2-5-6
16 R Taylor (Abingdon RBL A), 2-1-6
17 R Waine (Berinsfield SC A), 6-3-3
18 R Waine (Berinsfield SC A), 6-1-1
7 S Fisher (Royal Oak Didcot), 3-1-6
7 S Wilson (Berinsfield SC A), 6-5-3
10 S Wilson (Berinsfield SC A), 2-6-4
7 T Lach (Abingdon United B), 6-3-2
11 T Lach (Abingdon United B), 2-5-6
13 T Lawlor (Abingdon Con Club), 6-3-3
Complete Blobbers (ordered by Players)

Week Blobbers
7 A Binks (Queens Arms Didcot),
6 A Campbell (Abingdon RBL),
9 A Miller (The Plough A West Hanney),
14 A Miller (The Plough A West Hanney),
15 A Miller (The Plough A West Hanney),
10 B Cowley (Boundary House A),
15 C Merritt (Waggon and Horses B),
17 C Merritt (Waggon and Horses B),
7 C Perry (The Brewery Tap B),
15 C Perry (The Brewery Tap B),
6 C Smith (Old Anchor A),
18 C Steptoe (Bowyers Arms),
9 C Wakefield (Waggon and Horses C),
13 C Wakefield (Waggon and Horses C),
9 C Widdows (Harwell RBL B),
7 D Arnott (Old Anchor B),
1 D Avenell (The Plough A West Hanney),
2 D Avenell (The Plough A West Hanney),
3 D Avenell (The Plough A West Hanney),
7 D Avenell (The Plough A West Hanney),
9 D Avenell (The Plough A West Hanney),
11 D Byrne (George and Dragon Upton),
17 D Kitchen (Stanford In the Vale FC),
3 D Reynolds (Packhorse),
5 E Campbell (Chequers Charney),
12 E Campbell (Chequers Charney),
2 F Downing (Old Anchor B),
5 F Downing (Old Anchor B),
11 F Downing (Old Anchor B),
16 F Downing (Old Anchor B),
3 F Eara (The Plough A West Hanney),
1 F Moon (Waggon and Horses C),
2 F Moon (Waggon and Horses C),
3 F Moon (Waggon and Horses C),
10 F Moon (Waggon and Horses C),
8 G Penny (George and Dragon Upton),
2 G Wight (Brewery Tap A),
1 H Legg (Red Lion B),
7 H Legg (Red Lion B),
12 H Legg (Red Lion B),
13 H Legg (Red Lion B),
17 H Legg (Red Lion B),
17 J Aram (The Plough A West Hanney),
4 J Bosley (Harwell RBL B),
5 J Bosley (Harwell RBL B),
15 J C Vaughan (Harwell RBL A),
9 J Cook (Wheatsheaf Drayton),
1 J Holt (RAL RecSoc),
13 J Kendall (The Plough Appleton),
15 J McGee (F.M.S.S.C Morning Star),
1 J Mckay (Bowyers Arms),
18 J Morris (Red Lion A),
14 J Morton (Waggon and Horses A),
9 J Moxon (RAL RecSoc),
6 J Nichol (The Plough Long Wittenham),
8 J Pandgandian (George and Dragon Upton),
2 J Pandgandian (George and Dragon Upton),
18 J Perry (Waggon and Horses A),
8 J Samways (Hart Harwell A),
13 J Samways (Hart Harwell A),
18 J Samways (Hart Harwell A),
16 J Selwood (The College Oak),
10 J Taylor (Red Lion C),
13 J Taylor (Red Lion C),
2 J Thorne (The College Oak),
17 J Thorne (The College Oak),
4 J Viner (Abingdon RBL),
8 J Viner (Abingdon RBL),
3 J Walker (Plum Pudding),
14 J Watters (George and Dragon Upton),
15 K Beard (F.M.S.S.C Morning Star),
16 K Healey (Old Anchor A),
3 K Murphy (North Star A),
6 K Parker (The Brewery Tap B),
11 K Parker (The Brewery Tap B),
12 K Parker (The Brewery Tap B),
4 K Ryves (Boundary House A),
14 K Ryves (Boundary House A),
4 K Scotson (Abingdon RBL A),
5 K Souch (Abingdon RBL A),
1 K Tyrrell (North Star B),
11 K Tyrrell (North Star B),
12 K Tyrrell (North Star B),
14 K Tyrrell (North Star B),
8 K Tyrrell (North Star B),
17 L Beard (F.M.S.S.C Morning Star),
16 L Black (Red Lion C),
14 L Chadwick (Boundary House),
6 L Clark (Berinsfield SC C),
1 L Claxton (The Plough Appleton),
6 L Claxton (The Plough Appleton),
9 L Claxton (The Plough Appleton),
1 L Denton (North Star A),
1 L James (Boundary House A),
2 L Julian (Waggon and Horses C),
13 L Julian (Waggon and Horses C),
17 L Julian (Waggon and Horses C),
8 L Robey (Black Horse B),
9 L Rollinson (Crown Marcham),
10 L Rollinson (Crown Marcham),
15 L Rollinson (Crown Marcham),
18 L Rollinson (Crown Marcham),
17 LL J Blessing (Red Lion B),
10 M Allen (Black Horse B),
18 M Allen (Black Horse B),
6 M Belcher (Crown Marcham),
4 M Burton (Wheatsheaf Didcot),
18 M Crick (Black Horse B),
2 M Druce (Abingdon RBL),
3 M Druce (Abingdon RBL),
7 M Druce (Abingdon RBL),
12 M Feates (Red Lion C),
5 M Hadaway (The Plough Appleton),
6 M Hadaway (The Plough Appleton),
9 M Hadaway (The Plough Appleton),
13 M Hadaway (The Plough Appleton),
10 M Jones (Berinsfield SC A),
11 M Owen (The College Oak),
14 M Parker (The Brewery Tap B),
15 M Rudman (RAL RecSoc),
17 M Rudman (RAL RecSoc),
13 M Spiller (F.M.S.S.C Morning Star),
6 M Webb (Boundary House),
11 M Webb (Boundary House),
1 M Willoughby (Waggon and Horses C),
2 M Willoughby (Waggon and Horses C),
7 N Ahier (Harwell RBL B),
6 N Beard (F.M.S.S.C Morning Star),
16 N Beard (F.M.S.S.C Morning Star),
13 N Jackson (Spread Eagle D),
7 N Tappin (RAL RecSoc),
1 O Holloway (Eight Bells Eaton),
16 O Morton (Plough East Hendred),
5 P Biddle (Wheatsheaf Drayton),
13 P Brown (Spread Eagle D),
12 P Clarke (Waggon and Horses A),
2 P Curtis (The Plough A West Hanney),
2 P Dryer (College Oak A),
4 P Gibbs (Harwell RBL A),
13 P Gibbs (Harwell RBL A),
17 P Gibbs (Harwell RBL A),
7 P Gilbert (George and Dragon Upton),
11 P Gilbert (George and Dragon Upton),
12 P Golding (The Plough Appleton),
17 P Golding (The Plough Appleton),
3 P Johnson (The Brewery Tap B),
9 P Johnson (The Brewery Tap B),
10 P Johnson (The Brewery Tap B),
13 P Oliver (The Plough Appleton),
7 P Parmenter (Brewery Tap A),
14 P Parmenter (Brewery Tap A),
2 P Pratt (Fox Denchworth B),
4 P Ryman (Spread Eagle D),
1 R Bailey (Bear & Ragged Staff),
9 R Bishop (Old Anchor A),
14 R Bishop (Old Anchor A),
14 R Brown (Crown Marcham),
1 R Cox (Boundary House A),
1 R Crook (Queens Arms Didcot),
14 R Crook (Stanford In the Vale FC),
4 R Dawson (The Plough Appleton),
8 R Dawson (The Plough Appleton),
9 R Dawson (The Plough Appleton),
12 R Dawson (The Plough Appleton),
13 R Dawson (The Plough Appleton),
17 R Dawson (The Plough Appleton),
9 R Goodwin (Plough East Hendred),
2 R Jeffreys (Harwell RBL B),
14 R Jeffreys (Harwell RBL B),
8 R Loran (Red Lion B),
4 R Mayer-Jones (Old Anchor B),
7 R North (Abingdon Con Club),
15 R O’Neill (The Bell at Grove),
5 R Osborne (Bear & Ragged Staff),
2 R Reynolds (Packhorse),
16 R Reynolds (Packhorse),
18 R Tyrrell (North Star B),
18 R Yates (Packhorse),
3 S Brownsill (Old Anchor A),
14 S Brownsill (Old Anchor A),
1 S Buchanon (Abingdon Arms Wantage),
5 S Byrne (Crown Marcham),
18 S Hetherington (The Bell at Grove),
16 S Jeffreys (Harwell RBL B),
5 S Murphy (Queens Arms Didcot),
16 S Spurrett (Berinsfield SC),
11 S Weston (Bear & Ragged Staff),
4 S Woodfall (Black Horse B),
11 T Barrett (North Star A),
5 T Bowler (Eight Bells Eaton),
15 T Bowler (Eight Bells Eaton),
12 T Cload (Harwell RBL B),
3 T Doughty (Harwell RBL A),
6 T Fitzgibbon (Chequers Charney),
16 T Higgs (Waggon and Horses B),
8 T Hill (Crown Marcham),
9 T Hill (Crown Marcham),
1 T Loving (Black Horse A),
5 T Payne (Fleur De Lys),
16 T Payne (Fleur De Lys),
15 T Porter (The Brewery Tap B),
1 T Shephard (Waggon and Horses C),
2 T Wells (The Bell at Grove),
10 T Wells (The Bell at Grove),
7 V Pearce (Royal Oak Didcot),


205 player/game blobs !

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