How do I register a team?
You will need to obtain a Registration form and fill it in with details of the team including players names etc.You will need to attend Registration night (details in the News/Events section) with your completed Registration Form (and or Competition Entry Forms) together with your subscription payment.
What is the role of the Captain?
The Captain of a team is the person who selects the original team list (those ‘Signed On’ on the Registration Form) and selects the 8 players (from the minimum number signed on) who will play the match that week. They are also responsible for ensuring the rules are obeyed and for representing the team in the toss for who sets etc. Captains or secretaries must ensure the scorecard is entered online and sent to the Secretary as soon as after a match to reach the Secretary before the Saturday following.
How much does it cost to register a team?
The current subscription agreed  is £45 per team for up to 15 players.
Eight players are chosen per match out of those that have signed on for the team. It is common for the landlord/lady/steward to pay for the team’s entry due to the increased trade generated (landlords/ladies get free entry)
How do I sign on more players?
Use the Team Support email with the details of the player including name, previous team etc. AT LEAST 1 WEEK before fielding the player. The player’s acceptance is from the Secretary/Committee subject to their average check and the average for the team not being increased above that of the Section being played.
What is the role of the Secretary?
In most teams the Secretary is the one who receives the league information and ensures a scorecard is completed (for home games) and scores entered online if  your team won the game. Secretaries and Captains make sure you have a full side for a game.
Who fills in the scorecard, enters it online and post it?
In this league the Home team is responsible for filling in the scorecard. All players and Captains must sign the card as an accurate record.The winning team must ensure the card is entered online, the match ID written on it within 48 hours of the game being plated. For a draw the Home team will be responsible for entering and send the card.

TIP: Take a photo (with your phone camera) of the scorecard in case it gets lost in the post/damaged.

Who sticks up and calls a match?
In this league the Home team are responsible for sticking up and calling all legs. Disputes over calling need to be reported to the Secretary in writing.
Can I play for more than one team?
NO. Players may be signed on for more than one team but the first team they play for they must remain in that team until the end of the season. Failure to do so will result in disqualification and a fine. Once you play you gotta stay!

If you want to play more sign up to one of the other area leagues who play on other nights such as Banbury, Bampton or Oxford.

Do we have to play a beer leg?
It is customary to play a beer leg in most pub games to improve sportsmanship. If it’s raining you can always agree to take the last leg as the beer leg score. As a variation, some teams play ‘one on one’ for the beer leg – it’s more individual competition and saves a big queue at the bar!
A beer leg is played for 1/2 pint or equivalent paid for by the loser.
Can I transfer players from another or to another team?
NO. Transfers are not allowed in this league. Once you play you gotta stay!
What happens if my player is late?
All players must be at the venue before 8.15pm. Captains must put all players names on both the scoreboard and the Scorecard before the match starts. If a player arrives late they can take their turn at the next leg or if their turn has not been passed over in the current leg. That is, the leg cannot ‘go back’ to that player.
Captain’s should ensure all players know the correct reporting and match start time.
If the doll falls over on the swivel and stays there, is it a doll?
NO. The doll has to leave the swivel by first contact from the stick and fall on the floor.

You know it’s good when you hear the wood!