The closing date for all Competitions has been extended until the end of June with the exception of the team 8’s the closing date for this will be this coming Monday June 6th. If you haven’t entered or confirmed your entry then please do so in the next few days. Handicaps for the 8’s are, as in most recent years, a plus handicap of 2 per section so, for example, a Premier sides playing a side in Section B will give 4 dolls, a side from Section B playing a side in Section C will concede a 2 doll handicap etc.
For the 8’s it is likely that the opening round will be held on either June 16th or 23rd with the second round held in July.
As a result of both lack o committee resources and the number of “no shows” in previous years the rest of the Competitions will take place on Sunday August 21st with an early afternoon start. This will be the 5;s, the 4’s and the 3’s as team events together with the pairs, singles Captains and Secretaries competitions. Entry is open to all registered players of all clubs and teams. We are hoping the bar will be open and we will be able to arrange for some catering on the day as for some it may be a long afternoon!
Entries for all of these Competitions must be made by the end of June together with registration fees paid. The entry fees are £1 per person with no charge for nominated reserves So a team entering the 5’s will cost £5, the pairs £2 etc.
All entries to either Roger Nichols or via the Team Support link on the website
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