Tomorrow’s Competitions for the Pairs, Singles, Captains and Secretaries will remain open for entries until 12.45pm at Abingdon United. The draw for each of the Competitions will take place at 1pm and play will commence at 1.30pm.
All players that have already entered should have been notified of the start time by their Captains, but we are still open to entries on the day and are desperately in need of at least 1 more captain to give us the minimum number of entries as we have had a fairly late withdrawal.
The draw will only include those players and late entrants who are actually present at 1pm to minimise both the risk of walkovers and to reduce the number of byes in the early rounds.
At the moment we are expecting around 28 entrants for the singles, 16 pairs, 8 for the secretaries and if we can find at least one more 8 for the Captains, but hopefully we will have a few more on the day to make all of the Competitions truly competitive. Practice will be available, hopefully, from 12.30
All legs will be the best of 3, but one change this year is that in the event of a tied leg the former 3 sticks rule which applied to each leg will only apply should a third leg be necessary. This should reduce the time taken to complete ties.
The order of play will be determined on the day, but it is probable that the singles will be the final competition and all being well we will be finished by late afternoon. (the bar will be open throughout!)
If anyone not entered wants to add their names please feel free to contact me in the next 24 hours (roger, or 07768 427268 as that will make the planning on the day a little easier!
News about the remaining competitions (team 3’s, 3’s and 5’s and Founders) will be sorted out in the next couple of weeks, but at the moment we do still need a couple of more entries for all of the team competitions and the Founders will take place during September and is open to all registered players aged 50+ and is a turn up on the night event.
Competitions are an essential part of the League’s heritage and have taken place since the league was founded over 60 years ago and have been fiercely competed by so many over the years.
We, as a Committee, are absolutely determined to maintain the tradition, but we can only do that f teams and individuals choose to enter. This year has been difficult to get a really representative entry to several and we will continue to strive to find a format which encourages more entries for all of our competitions in 2025.
Hoping for a good turnout and some great competitions tomorrow with the promise of very warm weather and cool beer!
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