Over the next 2 weeks I will be on holiday and normal service from me will be even worse than normal!!
This means there will be no weekly ramblings from me, (don’t cheer to loudly) and I will not be forced into mentioning the achievements of Dave Dix or the rest of his Abingdon United B team mates for 2 whole weeks!
In my absence everything carries on as normal and my capable committee colleagues will not only organise and run the Competitions day at Abingdon United on Sunday 21st starting at 1pm, but they will also take care of any questions and issues should any arise during the next couple of weeks. I will be back on September 1st and will catch up with everything just as soon as I can. Can’t really believe that when I come back it’s week 18, the last league games of the season!
It’s the height of the holiday season and if anyone requires to add newly registered players to manage team shortages you can do that by contacting Paul Stone via the team support facility on our website mail who has generously agreed to be co-opted to help out over the next couple of weeks. Please don’t contact Paul unless you really need to, but he is best placed to deal with any website issues including match card entries which I know have caused a few of you with problems throughout the season.
Just a reminder that our other Committee members are Chairman Reg Couch, Secretary Claire Foster and Committee member Roy Taylor. They will all be at Abingdon United on Sunday busily sorting out all of the Competitions and even if you are not entered it should be a good afternoon of Aunt Sally at the best level to enjoy and perhaps have a beer or two with your friends and teammates.
Tomorrow night the next round of the 8’s Competition takes place with The Vine taking on Abingdon United B in the first semi final and Abingdon Conservative Club taking on Abingdon RBL in the quarter final with the winners taking on Berinsfield in the other semi final. The final of the 8’s will take place on September 21st along with several of the other finals which will be decided on Sunday.
Have a good couple of weeks and hopefully the weather will stay kind as it has been brilliant for both Aunt Sally and pub garden enjoyment for weeks now!
Best of luck to all Competition entrants on Sunday
Well done Roger and enjoy your holiday.
Did you know Roger has plugged Aunt Sally on BBC Radio Oxford earlier in the season?