Well another year is almost over and it is has been a year when many of us have got back in the routine of a Summer of Aunt Sally.
48 teams entered the League in 2022 making it a successful season for the league after an absence of 2 years due to Covid restrictions.
We can now all look forward to the Summer of 2023 and hope we can continue, not only to welcome back all of the teams that played last Summer, but also look to recruit more teams to get us back near to our pre Covid entries of 60 teams.
The first step on the journey to Summer 2023 will take place on Monday January 29th when we hold our 2023 Annual General Meeting at Abingdon United FC starting at 8pm, hopefully representatives from all teams old and new will be represented and an Agenda will be published ahead of the meeting.
If anyone has any issues to raise please feel free to raise them in advance or at the meeting, any proposed rule changes will be discussed at the meeting, but if you would like to submit any proposed changes, preferably at least 7 days prior to the actual meeting. Any proposed rule changes from the Committee will be included with the agenda.
We know there are some lessons to learn from the previous 62 seasons and particularly from 1 or 2 of those changes introduced in 2022 which were designed to get us “back in the game”.
Mentioning the Committee brings me to our lack of numbers. Last year we functioned with only 4 Committee members, we survived, but it was hard work so a few new willing volunteers would be enthusiastically welcomed! It really isn’t too onerous either in terms of effort or time and it will take pressure of the 4 existing members assuming of course they all elect to stand again and are re-elected!
So the Committee would like to wish all teams, players, supporters and our many long suffering partners the very best of health and happiness for 2023 and look forward to welcoming you back in May for our 63rd year!
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