For those who couldn’t make the recent 2023 Annual general Meeting here is a summary of all of the key points discussed and agreed at the very well attended meeting held at the Croft bar on Monday 23rd January.
- League entrance fees will increase for 2023 from £40 to £45 per team with up to 15 players registered per team. ( This effectively represents the same cost as pre Covid years when the team registration was £30 plus £1 per registered player)
- The existing Committee were re-elected with the very welcome additions of Paul Stone and Anton Wooloff both agreeing to return to the Committee. They are very welcome!!
- A new (re-instated) position of Honorary President was proposed and agreed of and a suitable incumbent will be nominated and appointed by the Committee
- The discussion over start times for matches was interesting but the proposal to compromise on our long established start time of 8.30 and the 2022 amended start time of 8 pm led to an agreement that the 2023 preferred start time will be 8.15 pm
- Competitions other than the 8’s will again be held on Sundays as in 2022, but with the 3’s, 4’s and 5’s to be held on one day and the Pairs, Singles, Captains and Secretaries being held on a later date. full details and dates to follow.
- The season will kick off on Wednesday 3rd of May with the first round of the 8’s and the league proper will start on the following Wednesday, the 10th.
- The online registration of match cards which worked very well in 2022 will be retained.
- The option (in the lower section/s) of playing with a minimum of 6 players per side will be retained as an option for 2023 season
- Registration Night will take place on Monday March 20th at Abingdon Conservative Club for both the league and the Team 8’s Competition. Details will be on the website with registration forms soon
- The entry date and for the remaining Competition’s will be agreed and confirmed later.
- An effort will be made to recruit and attract more teams and players of all ages and gender for 2023 to enable us to increase our numbers above the 48 teams entered in 2022. We need to focus on both former and new pubs and clubs throughout the area and the benefits of having 16+ people spending money in their bar every Wednesday or every other Wednesday for 18 weeks of the Summer.
- Thames Cables have kindly agreed to continue as League sponsors for 2023 and have asked that their sponsorship should include some increased focus (and benefits) on the lower sections.
- It was proposed that we seek to build on the history of our Association first documented by our founder the late Basil Collins who documented the first 30 years of the Association. So we are seeking a volunteer(s)
I think that’s about it. It was a very well attended (19 teams represented) meeting with good discussion on a range of topics that impact our game and all of the teams and people who play it.
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