Hhmmm. Who shall I take the p* * s out of this week?
Game reports. 04/03/09
The Fox beat Ab. Con. Club 4-2 with leg scores of 13-11, 15-13, 10-12. For The Fox B.Parker 12, A.Bell 10 & R.Berry 9. C.Smith, throwing like a bandy legged Australian sheep shearer managed just 2 dolls. In reply for Con. Club M.Haynes 9, R.North 8 & D.Rusher 7.
College Oak beat Penlon 6-0 with leg scores of 11-8, 14-10, 14-12. For The Oak P.Soden, A.Pocock & D.Cross 9 each & S.Enock 7. For Penlon T.Lach top scored with 10 dolls.
Old Masters struggled to a 4-2 over Ab.Utd. ‘B’ with leg scores of 9-8, 12-11, 10-14. For OM J.Barguss, T.Downes & R.Lewis 7 each. In reply for Utd. ‘B’ B.Clapton & D.Davies 8 each & P.Mulford 7. R.Lewis hit 5 off the anchor to win the 2nd leg then followed it with a blob. OM’s 31 dolls was their lowest total of the season so far. It’s a funny old game – except we cant see the funny side of it at the moment.
Ab. Utd. ‘A’ beat Ab.Legion 6-0 with leg scores of 12-11, 18-14, 12-9. For Utd. ‘A’ P.Wright & L.Clapton 11 each & T.Ward 8. In reply for The Legion D.Sapey 10 & M.Foster 7. I think this result just about ensures the title for Utd. ‘A’ and makes it all about the runners up spot.
Spread Eagle beat Ab. Utd. ‘C’ 4-2 with leg scores of 10-15, 11-8, 15-11. For The Spread B.WorreIl 12, J.Bowler 9 & N.Tame 7. Bob’s 12 dolls was his first double figures of the season – well done. For Utd. ‘C’ A.Gregory 10, D.Harris 8 & S.Martin 7.
p.s. Wasn’t there some c**p calling tonight.
p.p.s. Hope I havn’t offended anyone with my comments tonight – no, honestly. Ha,Ha, Ha.
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