Twixmas – a good time to think about the AGM!

As it’s now Twixmas (between Christmas and New Year apparently!) and that means it’s fast approaching AGM time on the 15th January AND rule 26 says any items for the AGM need to be in writing to the Chairman 14 days before, you might like to get a glass (or mug) of something, sit down for a bit and think of how we can improve our marvelous game. 

Please get your suggestions, comments or observations in to the Chairman either by email chairman@abingdonauntsally…. or comment on this post as it appears on our Facebook @AbingdonAuntSallyLeague or and if you’re not following why not? 🙂

Of course, if you’d like to help run the league, even in a small way, we will always welcome new (or old, or young) faces onto the committee – so have a think about what you could help with even if you don’t want to be officially a committee member. 

At the moment we really could do with a website revamp so if you know, or know someone who knows WordPress/MySQL/PHP come and help – otherwise we’ll have to pay someone – more at the AGM.  If you don’t have technical skills we still need people to help organise and administer the league – most of the effort happens from Registration Night (11th March) to league start (May) then competition organising and then run up to Presentation Night so it’s not an all year effort for everyone. 

Oh and if any teams have trophies from 2019 or 2022 please let us know – we didn’t get all the trophies back in for Presentation Night this year which means we are losing track partly due to the disruption of non-playing previous years. It’ll be a shame if we have to charge the previous winners/runners up for replacements.

In the meantime I hope you’ve all had a great break and enjoy the New Year,

Looking forward to 2024, hearing from you and seeing you at the AGM,

Paul Stone

2 Responses to Twixmas – a good time to think about the AGM!

  1. The Bell Grove 7th January 2024 at 17:07 #

    Happy New Year!
    A couple of points pre AGM/2024 season. Firstly, the more equitable distribution of byes through the divisions. Whilst recognising the possibility of teams folding during the season, especially in the lower sections, Section C had 2 byes in 2023 and B none yet the doll average clearly shows both sections could have been 9 teams each. Certainly the statistics suggest sections B,C & D are sufficiently competitive that if byes are necessary then they can be more fairly and evenly distributed. Also, as all teams pay the same money to participate they should where possible play the same number of games.
    Secondly, on a wet and stormy night in September Bell Grove played a play off to decide the runners up position in section C against a team with equal points but much lower doll count. In a sport where dolls are everything I was surprised this was not a deciding factor to resolve the situation?
    As ever the committee has our total support & thanks for all your hard work making Wednesday the best day of the week.

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    Paul Stone 8th January 2024 at 13:15 #

    The Bell Grove – thanks for the comments Mervyn.

    On the first point we do try to spread out the byes and keep the sections balanced as much as possible. 1 bye is ok (9 teams) but any more and it gets painful especially if teams drop. Hence why we need to boost the number of teams playing. We had 52 teams this year which doesn’t divide by 10 well so we had to compromise and drop outs added to that.

    Secondly Yes we are going to propose a rule change that in the event of a draw the doll count is taken into consideration. The 3-way draw was probably a first this year so we need to adjust to improve.

    Thanks for your continued enthusiasm for the game.
    Paul Stone – Chairman

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