Author Archive | Paul Stone

1994 Aunt Sally Finals Night!

Our President John Simmons passed a recording to me last night of the 1994 Finals Night. He got it transferred from a VHS tape

There’s 2.5 hours of footage using a mirror setup so you can see both the player and the doll so the players are reverse handed!

I can recognise a few of the players like Graham Barguss, Graham Brown and Alan ‘Titch’ Bell (to be fair I had to be told it was him as he had dark hair and a tasche!) so if you can name them please do so in the comments and note the time they appear so others can gawp! πŸ™‚

Watch it on AuntSallyTV now ! 


Update from 2025 AGM

Key points/decisions taken

  1. Registration
  • Registration night will be held on Monday March 17th
  • At Abingdon Conservative Club from 7.30pm
  • League Registration fees for 2025 will remain unchanged
  • The Association is in good financial shape with a current bank balance of Β£6100
  • Thames Cable has, once again, kindly committed to sponsor both the League and the Team and individual Competitions in 2025.
  • The season will start on April 30th with the 1st round of the 8’s Skol Trophy
  • The League will start on Wed May 7th and close on Wed September 4th
  1. Competitions
  • Singles/Pairs/Captains and Secretaries will be held on a Sunday
  • Team 3’s, 4’s and 5’will be held on Thursdays
  • Additional Competitions will be introduced exclusively for teams in the lower sections
  • All Competitions will require a minimum entry level of 8
  • Entry fees for Competition will remain as Β£1 per entrant OTHER than the team 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s which will be FREE entry for each team. Any additional entrants from the same team will be Β£1 per player
  1. Beer, Match Start, Rule Changes and Committee
  • Lots of discussion took place about the beer leg and some advisory guidance will be provided by the Committee for 2025 in an endeavour to retain the long-held practice of playing a β€œfourth leg”
  • League matches will continue to be scheduled for an 15pm start on Wednesday’s
  • The League and Competition rules are currently being revised (simplified) and the key changes proposed were outlined at the AGM. Copies of the revised rules will be circulated with every registered team 2025 fixture packs in April
  • Geoff Lee (Berinsfield SSC) was elected to the Committee and the existing 4 Committee members were all re-elected en-bloc

   A copy and  full set of the Minutes of the AGM will be available on this website shortly.


Social Media!

If you didn’t know we have a social media presence on Facebook and X as well as AuntSallyTV on YouTube.

If you want to follow us take a look at our social media page to get the links.

Thanks to the chap at the AGM that gave me the nudge to republicise these!


REMINDER: Aunt Sally AGM starts at 8pm

Hope you’ve not forgotten but the 2025 AGM is tonight at 8pm at The Croft Bar, Peachcroft, Abingdon.

Please come along and support your League. 

We are also looking for Committee members if you feel you want to contribute in a small way to help.

Paul Stone


Season’s Greetings and the AGM!

Firstly, compliments of the Season and I hope however long or short a break you get it’ll be enough to start you thinking about summer and next year’s league season!

So from me, the Summer committee and also the Winter organisers, 

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

secondly the AGM

The AGM is on Monday 20th January 2025 at 8pm at The Croft Bar, Peachcroft, Abingdon.

Book your diary now!

Don’t forget motions for the meeting can be submitted to any of the usual email addresses (support, secretary or chairman) up to 14 days in advance. 

There are of course important topics to discuss such as competitions, deadlines and timings based on what happened this year. 

Plus, if you believe you can spare some time to help out on the committee please put yourself forward. 


Best wishes,

Paul Stone

Abingdon & District Aunt Sally Association


2024 Summer Season – Section by Section Players Rank by Average

After Steve Fernback suggest at one of the competition evenings (and I got nudged at Presentation Night by another player) we should have rankings per section as well as the overall League Rankings we have online so I’ve summarised them below just for your entertainment or bragging rights! (FYI Excel makes this easier as you can point it at the web page and extract the data so if anyone is curious and has the time to do more analysis please do and report back).

The rankings online are split between regular players and those that have played half the games of that point in the season. These tables include everyone who has played so make a note of the number of games played if it becomes significant as we all know we can have a good game or a poor one! One year we did have a player with an average of 4 after playing only 1 game all season. 

This covers 746 players! A special mention to those that took part to fill in the blanks with a blank (Carey Lewis,Ajnna Antell,Pamela Edwards,Harry Belcher,Chris Roberts,Richard Bunce,Richard Blake,Ciaron Hamlet & Lisa Pulleyn) – they came, even just for 1 game or 2, they saw but didn’t conquer the doll. Seriously though, thank you for being part of the biggest league in the county. 

Either click on the section links below or use your browser search function (Ctrl+F on a keyboard or ‘Find in Page’ menu on a mobile/tablet) to find your name. 

Section Links  –>>  Premier   ( A )  ( B )  ( C )  ( D )  ( E )  ( F )


Section Rank Player Team Section Total Dolls Games Played Average
1 David Dix Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 186 15 4.13
2 Phil Adams Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 193 16 4.02
3 Alex Chamberlain Berinsfield SC A Premier 115 12 3.19
4 Alan Bell Croft Nomads Premier 150 16 3.13
5 Barry Townsend Croft Nomads Premier 131 14 3.12
6 Dave Hudson Bystander A Premier 121 14 2.88
7 Leigh Clapton Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 138 16 2.88
8 Jason Bowler Bystander A Premier 129 15 2.87
9 Steve Martin Bystander A Premier 129 15 2.87
10 Rick Fletcher Steventon Sports SC A Premier 102 12 2.83
11 Ian Brook Croft Nomads Premier 134 16 2.79
12 David Mott Bystander A Premier 116 14 2.76
13 Andrew Morton Bystander A Premier 90 11 2.73
14 Steve Enock Croft Nomads Premier 121 15 2.69
15 Paul Barrett Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 111 14 2.64
16 Richard Jones Berinsfield SC A Premier 102 13 2.62
17 Derek Fletcher Steventon Sports SC A Premier 102 13 2.62
18 Ken Fisher Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 124 16 2.58
19 Scott Humphries Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 98 13 2.51
20 Andy Phelps Berinsfield SC A Premier 105 14 2.5
21 Bob Duff Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 109 15 2.42
22 Martin Robinson Croft Nomads Premier 87 12 2.42
23 Colin Brind Steventon Sports SC A Premier 94 13 2.41
24 Darren Holmes Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 14 2 2.33
25 Stuart Wilson Berinsfield SC A Premier 110 16 2.29
26 Geoffrey Lee Berinsfield SC A Premier 99 15 2.2
27 Duncan Taylor Bystander A Premier 85 13 2.18
28 Mick Greenaway Berinsfield SC A Premier 103 16 2.15
29 Nick Baldwin Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 32 5 2.13
30 Richard Berry Croft Nomads Premier 57 9 2.11
31 David Butler Croft Nomads Premier 82 13 2.1
32 Iain Morrison Steventon Sports SC A Premier 87 14 2.07
33 Grahame Brind Steventon Sports SC A Premier 74 12 2.06
34 Martin Rawlings Berinsfield SC A Premier 80 13 2.05
35 Dave Imrie Steventon Sports SC A Premier 6 1 2
36 John Ellaway Croft Nomads Premier 88 15 1.96
37 Paul Stone Croft Nomads Premier 75 13 1.92
38 Roy Everill Steventon Sports SC A Premier 75 13 1.92
39 Doug Bolton Steventon Sports SC A Premier 73 13 1.87
40 Tom Baldwin Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 42 8 1.75
41 Bert Newman Bystander A Premier 50 10 1.67
42 Jason Fryett Berinsfield SC A Premier 45 9 1.67
43 Tony Beechers Berinsfield SC A Premier 57 12 1.58
44 Sam Day Steventon Sports SC A Premier 54 12 1.5
45 Malcolm Jones Berinsfield SC A Premier 18 4 1.5
46 Simon Kinnaird Bystander A Premier 53 12 1.47
47 David Davies Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 22 5 1.47
48 Brian Clapton Abingdon Utd@ConClub Premier 13 3 1.44
49 Pete Beecham Steventon Sports SC A Premier 32 8 1.33
50 Alan Chamberlain Berinsfield SC A Premier 8 2 1.33
51 Ethan Taylor Bystander A Premier 36 9 1.33
52 Roy Taylor Bystander A Premier 27 7 1.29
53 Kevin Smith Steventon Sports SC A Premier 33 9 1.22
54 Nick Biggs Bystander A Premier 27 8 1.13
55 Roger Nichols Croft Nomads Premier 10 3 1.11
56 Neil Hayden Steventon Sports SC A Premier 9 3 1
57 Stuart Fisher Steventon Sports SC A Premier 8 3 0.89
58 Colin Smith Croft Nomads Premier 5 2 0.83
59 Mark Johnson Berinsfield SC A Premier 5 2 0.83
60 Steve Jackson Steventon Sports SC A Premier 2 1 0.67

A Section

Section Rank Player Team Section Total Dolls Games Played Average
1 Dean Bowler Red Lion Drayton A 131 15 2.91
2 Danny Hamilton The Vine Cumnor A 134 16 2.79
3 Terry Downes Plum Pudding A 111 14 2.64
4 Phil Soden College Oak A A 106 14 2.52
5 Paul Leach Plum Pudding A 120 16 2.5
6 Kevin Davies Plum Pudding A 15 2 2.5
7 Jamie Smith College Oak A A 100 14 2.38
8 Scott Tabor Red Lion Drayton A 97 14 2.31
9 Matt Dingle The Vine Cumnor A 90 13 2.31
10 Kevin Regan Red Lion Drayton A 110 16 2.29
11 John Pownceby The Vine Cumnor A 82 12 2.28
12 Matty Belcher College Oak A A 98 15 2.18
13 Kevin Billington Red Lion Drayton A 91 14 2.17
14 David Warrell College Oak A A 39 6 2.17
15 Kevin Chapman College Oak A A 77 12 2.14
16 Roger Lee Plum Pudding A 45 7 2.14
17 Simon Winterbourne Plum Pudding A 101 16 2.1
18 Jerry Brandish The Vine Cumnor A 100 16 2.08
19 Robert Chambers Plum Pudding A 98 16 2.04
20 Steve Peedell The Vine Cumnor A 85 14 2.02
21 Ady Bolton Red Lion Drayton A 78 13 2
22 Chris Lewis College Oak A A 51 9 1.89
23 Jamie Knight College Oak A A 73 13 1.87
24 Simon Reeve Plum Pudding A 88 16 1.83
25 Paul Kelsey College Oak A A 71 13 1.82
26 David Bradshaw Plum Pudding A 59 11 1.79
27 Roy Harrison The Vine Cumnor A 85 16 1.77
28 Michael Samways Plum Pudding A 78 15 1.73
29 Ian Rogers Red Lion Drayton A 66 13 1.69
30 Gary Holder Red Lion Drayton A 5 1 1.67
31 Glenn Woolley Red Lion Drayton A 64 13 1.64
32 Joe Winterbourne Plum Pudding A 69 15 1.53
33 Joe Hamilton The Vine Cumnor A 44 10 1.47
34 Jeff Cox Red Lion Drayton A 57 13 1.46
35 Tony Wheeler College Oak A A 16 4 1.33
36 Andy Boon Red Lion Drayton A 39 10 1.3
37 Martin Manion The Vine Cumnor A 18 5 1.2
38 Craig Armstrong College Oak A A 32 9 1.19
39 Simon Alder College Oak A A 40 12 1.11
40 Jim Morris Red Lion Drayton A 15 5 1
41 Jamie Brown College Oak A A 15 5 1
42 Shane McGowan Red Lion Drayton A 3 1 1
43 Geoff Organ College Oak A A 6 2 1
44 Karen Gomm The Vine Cumnor A 27 9 1
45 Mel Hamilton The Vine Cumnor A 33 12 0.92
46 Michael Harvey The Vine Cumnor A 9 4 0.75
47 Richard Revel The Vine Cumnor A 1 1 0.33

B Section

Section Rank Player Team Section Total Dolls Games Played Average
1 Andy Shipman Harwellian B B 129 16 2.69
2 Trevor Harrhy Abingdon United C B 87 12 2.42
3 Dave Collett The Plough Long Wittenham B 79 11 2.39
4 Billy Collett The Plough Long Wittenham B 93 13 2.38
5 David Sapey Abingdon RBL B 128 18 2.37
6 Robert Glen Stanford in the Vale FC B 112 16 2.33
7 Darren Bungay Stanford in the Vale FC B 56 8 2.33
8 Paul Ealey Abingdon RBL B 125 18 2.31
9 Mick Christopher The Grapes B B 75 11 2.27
10 Andrew Wilson The Plough Long Wittenham B 122 18 2.26
11 Steven Taylor The Fox Denchworth B 107 16 2.23
12 Lee Brown The Grapes B B 113 17 2.22
13 Rick Vincent Harwellian B B 97 15 2.16
14 Barry Smith Stanford in the Vale FC B 75 12 2.08
15 Jono Warrell Abingdon United C B 87 14 2.07
16 Brian Hudson The Croft Bar B 73 12 2.03
17 Donny Towlerton Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 85 14 2.02
18 Steve Weeks The Bell A Grove B 84 14 2
19 Kevin Luck The Croft Bar B 78 13 2
20 Gary Daluzvieira Harwellian B B 102 17 2
21 Kevin Lewis Harwellian B B 102 17 2
22 Mick James Abingdon United C B 90 15 2
23 James Handly The Grapes B B 6 1 2
24 Matt Ashmall Abingdon United C B 101 17 1.98
25 Steve Browning The Bell A Grove B 88 15 1.96
26 Guy Checketts Stanford in the Vale FC B 82 14 1.95
27 Mick Brown The Grapes B B 86 15 1.91
28 Ian Heapy Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 57 10 1.9
29 Darrall Kitchen Stanford in the Vale FC B 91 16 1.9
30 Martin Bland The Bell A Grove B 67 12 1.86
31 Colin Cherrill The Fox Denchworth B 83 15 1.84
32 Conrad Youngman The Croft Bar B 60 11 1.82
33 Andy Barrett The Croft Bar B 92 17 1.8
34 Keiran Murphy The Plough Long Wittenham B 80 15 1.78
35 Colin Morton Stanford in the Vale FC B 80 15 1.78
36 Ron Pepperell Abingdon United C B 69 13 1.77
37 Colin Kilpin The Bell A Grove B 69 13 1.77
38 Edmund Jeffries Abingdon United C B 85 16 1.77
39 Kenneth Bunce The Fox Denchworth B 74 14 1.76
40 Trevor Heatherington The Bell A Grove B 79 15 1.76
41 Wayne Waldron The Grapes B B 73 14 1.74
42 Pete Ivey The Croft Bar B 78 15 1.73
43 Luke Dewar The Grapes B B 83 16 1.73
44 Simon Skelly Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 41 8 1.71
45 Darren Sargison Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 46 9 1.7
46 Denner Johns The Croft Bar B 5 1 1.67
47 Rick Smith Abingdon United C B 45 9 1.67
48 Geoff Swinden Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 63 13 1.62
49 Ryan Cload Harwellian B B 73 15 1.62
50 Kevin Blackman Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 34 7 1.62
51 Steve Lambert The Fox Denchworth B 58 12 1.61
52 Krzysztof Tchorzewski Abingdon RBL B 77 16 1.6
53 Craig Rogers The Grapes B B 77 16 1.6
54 William Glen Stanford in the Vale FC B 77 16 1.6
55 Scott Hetherington The Bell A Grove B 57 12 1.58
56 Charlie East The Fox Denchworth B 70 15 1.56
57 Mike Wood Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 60 13 1.54
58 Norman Hazell Abingdon RBL B 83 18 1.54
59 LL Steve Davidson The Fox Denchworth B 55 12 1.53
60 Colin Bishop The Croft Bar B 50 11 1.52
61 John Corcoran Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 59 13 1.51
62 Andy Hallett The Croft Bar B 68 15 1.51
63 Daragh Murphy The Plough Long Wittenham B 58 13 1.49
64 Pat Wiltshire The Bell A Grove B 31 7 1.48
65 Pete Duffell The Bell A Grove B 22 5 1.47
66 Tim Cload Harwellian B B 74 17 1.45
67 William Pratley Abingdon RBL B 13 3 1.44
68 Neil Campbell Harwellian B B 60 14 1.43
69 Tim Payne Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 43 10 1.43
70 Harold Connolly Harwellian B B 17 4 1.42
71 Mick Fenton Abingdon United C B 67 16 1.4
72 Tom Swinney The Bell A Grove B 46 11 1.39
73 Peter Garland The Plough Long Wittenham B 29 7 1.38
74 Conner Murphy The Plough Long Wittenham B 29 7 1.38
75 Simon Wells Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 29 7 1.38
76 Chris Musgrove The Bell A Grove B 8 2 1.33
77 Garry Gibbard Stanford in the Vale FC B 8 2 1.33
78 Bill Butler Abingdon RBL B 16 4 1.33
79 Derek Edwards The Bell A Grove B 55 14 1.31
80 Declan O’Neill The Grapes B B 67 17 1.31
81 Michael Crook Abingdon RBL B 67 17 1.31
82 Alan Rolls The Fox Denchworth B 47 12 1.31
83 John Webster The Fox Denchworth B 49 13 1.26
84 Les Giles Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 37 10 1.23
85 Barry Vokins Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 33 9 1.22
86 Gerry Austin Stanford in the Vale FC B 22 6 1.22
87 Alan Druce Abingdon RBL B 56 16 1.17
88 Paul Gardner The Croft Bar B 41 12 1.14
89 Claire Foster Abingdon United C B 17 5 1.13
90 Rob Cox The Grapes B B 40 12 1.11
91 Martin Stenzhorn Stanford in the Vale FC B 43 13 1.1
92 David Davies Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 25 8 1.04
93 John Dawson The Croft Bar B 25 8 1.04
94 Alan Moore The Croft Bar B 31 10 1.03
95 Keith Buckle Abingdon RBL B 48 16 1
96 Stuart Jackson Abingdon RBL B 6 2 1
97 Dave Taylor The Bell A Grove B 27 9 1
98 Paul Rivers The Bell A Grove B 24 8 1
99 Marc Gavaghan Abingdon RBL B 3 1 1
100 Callum Wilson The Plough Long Wittenham B 3 1 1
101 Bob Humphreys The Plough Long Wittenham B 26 9 0.96
102 Keith Bainbridge Abingdon United C B 26 9 0.96
103 Nathan Thornhill Stanford in the Vale FC B 31 11 0.94
104 Gary Audas The Bell A Grove B 17 6 0.94
105 Bryan Pert The Fox Denchworth B 36 13 0.92
106 Craig Hiller The Grapes B B 30 11 0.91
107 Nolan Thompson The Plough Long Wittenham B 8 3 0.89
108 Peter Kilby The Fox Denchworth B 28 11 0.85
109 Pete Wilson The Plough Long Wittenham B 5 2 0.83
110 Wout Van Galen Abingdon United C B 20 8 0.83
111 Kieran Thornhill Stanford in the Vale FC B 5 2 0.83
112 Paul Absolon Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 17 7 0.81
113 John McGrath The Croft Bar B 24 10 0.8
114 Chris Wright Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne B 14 6 0.78
115 Keith Brown The Plough Long Wittenham B 31 14 0.74
116 Jim Hawkins The Plough Long Wittenham B 13 6 0.72
117 Adam Challener The Plough Long Wittenham B 21 10 0.7
118 David Baker Harwellian B B 26 13 0.67
119 Doug Bosley Harwellian B B 2 1 0.67
120 LL Andrew Fuooel The Grapes B B 2 1 0.67
121 Michael Hemmings Abingdon RBL B 2 1 0.67
122 Ian Bargus The Croft Bar B 17 9 0.63
123 Nigel Tait Abingdon RBL B 26 14 0.62
124 Colin Down The Grapes B B 13 7 0.62
125 Alan Webb Abingdon United C B 11 6 0.61
126 Will Shallis The Plough Long Wittenham B 23 13 0.59
127 Jack Checketts Stanford in the Vale FC B 16 9 0.59
128 Russell Stock The Fox Denchworth B 14 8 0.58
129 Nell Ahier Harwellian B B 22 13 0.56
130 Adam Sandford The Grapes B B 9 6 0.5
131 Archie Davidson The Fox Denchworth B 4 3 0.44
132 Mark Pembroke Stanford in the Vale FC B 4 3 0.44
133 Andrew Shallis The Plough Long Wittenham B 2 2 0.33
134 Maurice Owen Abingdon United C B 2 3 0.22
135 Carey Lewis Harwellian B B 0 2 0
136 Pamela Edwards Stanford in the Vale FC B 0 1 0

C Section

Section Rank Player Team Section Total Dolls Games Played Average
1 Stephen J Fisher The Oak Didcot C 72 9 2.67
2 Liam Brooks The Bell B Grove C 116 16 2.42
3 Tom Lach Abingdon Con Club C 107 15 2.38
4 Steven Sodan The Grapes A C 89 13 2.28
5 Matty Cook Boundary House C 90 14 2.14
6 Mike Phipps The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 69 11 2.09
7 Ben Moore The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 25 4 2.08
8 David Harris The Prince of Wales Shippon C 87 14 2.07
9 Michael Neal Abingdon Con Club C 85 14 2.02
10 Steve Fisher The Oak Didcot C 54 9 2
11 Tony Barrett Abingdon Con Club C 89 15 1.98
12 Max Winterbourne The Oak Didcot C 76 13 1.95
13 Karl Ford Boundary House C 80 14 1.9
14 Rod Dorrian The Oak Didcot C 17 3 1.89
15 Mark Austin The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 84 15 1.87
16 Jack Wrigglesworth The Bell B Grove C 84 15 1.87
17 Tim Lawlor Abingdon Con Club C 39 7 1.86
18 Mark McCracken The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 81 15 1.8
19 John Miles Abingdon Con Club C 75 14 1.79
20 Jeremy Salmon Eight Bells Eaton C 59 11 1.79
21 LL Tommy O’Sullivan Eight Bells Eaton C 59 11 1.79
22 Rick Bailey The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 48 9 1.78
23 Bob Faulkner The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 63 12 1.75
24 Donald Southey Boundary House C 52 10 1.73
25 Paul Topping The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 62 12 1.72
26 Ray Cousins The Prince of Wales Shippon C 72 14 1.71
27 James Branch The Grapes A C 76 15 1.69
28 Danny Mcardle The Grapes A C 70 14 1.67
29 Paul Taylor Eight Bells Eaton C 65 13 1.67
30 Shaun Gilsenen The Grapes A C 55 11 1.67
31 Andrew Farrant Eight Bells Eaton C 25 5 1.67
32 Jon Mole The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 69 14 1.64
33 Colin Grimes Boundary House C 74 15 1.64
34 James Lee The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 54 11 1.64
35 Richard Farmer The Bell B Grove C 67 14 1.6
36 Paul Burton The Bell B Grove C 72 15 1.6
37 Alan Humphries Abingdon Con Club C 24 5 1.6
38 Terry Phipps Abingdon Con Club C 62 13 1.59
39 Martin Short Boundary House C 38 8 1.58
40 Richard Wilsdon The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 66 14 1.57
41 Luke McIntosh The Grapes A C 42 9 1.56
42 Steve Flynn The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 14 3 1.56
43 Mark Newman The Prince of Wales Shippon C 69 15 1.53
44 Karl Humphries The Bell B Grove C 50 11 1.52
45 Arran Gray The Oak Didcot C 63 14 1.5
46 Adam Branch The Grapes A C 58 13 1.49
47 Jake Tuckey The Bell B Grove C 67 15 1.49
48 Ian Eastell Eight Bells Eaton C 62 14 1.48
49 Sam Weston The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 66 15 1.47
50 Lewis Price-Cook Boundary House C 47 11 1.42
51 Adam White The Bell B Grove C 68 16 1.42
52 Alan Wood Abingdon Con Club C 51 12 1.42
53 Ian Condon The Bell B Grove C 17 4 1.42
54 Nathan Jaggard The Oak Didcot C 38 9 1.41
55 Kevin Higgs The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 59 14 1.4
56 Shaun Mckenna Boundary House C 46 11 1.39
57 Leigh Bastable The Grapes A C 46 11 1.39
58 Jason Lowe The Bell B Grove C 54 13 1.38
59 Wayne Goodwin Boundary House C 29 7 1.38
60 Dave Kidd The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 29 7 1.38
61 Gary Holloway Eight Bells Eaton C 53 13 1.36
62 Lewis Herbert The Oak Didcot C 49 12 1.36
63 Phil Wells The Oak Didcot C 49 12 1.36
64 Shane Jones The Oak Didcot C 40 10 1.33
65 Lawley Chadwick Boundary House C 40 10 1.33
66 Russell Worsley The Prince of Wales Shippon C 8 2 1.33
67 Adam Alder The Bell B Grove C 4 1 1.33
68 Andrew Bowen Eight Bells Eaton C 24 6 1.33
69 John Atkinson The Prince of Wales Shippon C 43 11 1.3
70 Chris Wiley The Prince of Wales Shippon C 31 8 1.29
71 Mick Firn Abingdon Con Club C 50 13 1.28
72 Haydn Fullick Boundary House C 42 11 1.27
73 Paul Smith Eight Bells Eaton C 34 9 1.26
74 Mark Jaggard The Oak Didcot C 45 12 1.25
75 Dean Costa The Grapes A C 15 4 1.25
76 Josh Russell The Prince of Wales Shippon C 41 11 1.24
77 Conor Merritt The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 26 7 1.24
78 Nigel Hibberd Abingdon Con Club C 22 6 1.22
79 Colin Fox The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 22 6 1.22
80 Richard Osborne The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 40 11 1.21
81 Ronan Tiller The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 29 8 1.21
82 Paul Belcher The Prince of Wales Shippon C 29 8 1.21
83 Darren Webb The Prince of Wales Shippon C 50 14 1.19
84 Paul Brewerton The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 49 14 1.17
85 LL Andrew Fudge The Grapes A C 7 2 1.17
86 Darren Jaggard The Oak Didcot C 28 8 1.17
87 Lin Ives Abingdon Con Club C 7 2 1.17
88 Shaun Dominic The Prince of Wales Shippon C 31 9 1.15
89 Harry Taylor Eight Bells Eaton C 44 13 1.13
90 Tom Moore The Oak Didcot C 44 13 1.13
91 Colin Higgs The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 27 8 1.13
92 Darryl Justice The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 20 6 1.11
93 Samuel Dominic The Prince of Wales Shippon C 23 7 1.1
94 Richard Ives Abingdon Con Club C 35 11 1.06
95 Trevor Oxendale The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 35 11 1.06
96 Nigel Lobo Boundary House C 19 6 1.06
97 Maryn Ayres Eight Bells Eaton C 36 12 1
98 Dennis Ruffles The Grapes A C 27 9 1
99 Gavin Wheeler The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 6 2 1
100 Gorden Cook Abingdon Con Club C 3 1 1
101 Anthony Humphreys Boundary House C 18 6 1
102 Andy Lister The Prince of Wales Shippon C 38 13 0.97
103 Ashley Wheeler The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 34 12 0.94
104 Bob Branch The Grapes A C 28 10 0.93
105 Hayden Wells The Oak Didcot C 8 3 0.89
106 Joe Bowler Eight Bells Eaton C 10 4 0.83
107 Tez Bowler Eight Bells Eaton C 20 8 0.83
108 Martin Cousins The Grapes A C 19 8 0.79
109 Jordan Molyneux The Bell B Grove C 15 8 0.63
110 Chris Leyland The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 12 7 0.57
111 Paul Norris The Waggon and Horses Southmoor C 6 4 0.5
112 Edward Houlihan Boundary House C 5 5 0.33
113 LL Hayley Bayliss Watts The Oak Didcot C 1 1 0.33
114 Joe Webb The Prince of Wales Shippon C 1 1 0.33
115 Chris Roberts The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor C 0 1 0
116 Harry Belcher The Prince of Wales Shippon C 0 1 0

D Section

Section Rank Player Team Section Total Dolls Games Played Average
1 Ian Cooksley Harwellian A D 112 16 2.33
2 Roly Bunce The Chequers Charney D 112 17 2.2
3 Darren Downes Harwellian A D 82 13 2.1
4 Cameron King Brewery Tap D 81 13 2.08
5 Darren Mace Red Lion B Drayton D 100 16 2.08
6 Adam Hogan The Lamb A Wantage D 6 1 2
7 Chris Hogan The Lamb A Wantage D 6 1 2
8 Paul Champ The Queens Arms D 6 1 2
9 Kenny Moore Brewery Tap D 12 2 2
10 Steve Dingle The Plough Hanney D 87 15 1.93
11 Mark Brind The Plough Hanney D 40 7 1.9
12 Iain McGregor The Chequers Charney D 102 18 1.89
13 Ricky Selby College Oak B D 78 14 1.86
14 Tim Wilde Red Lion B Drayton D 100 18 1.85
15 Jonathan Hutt Brewery Tap D 70 13 1.79
16 Jason Greenaway Berinsfield SC B D 78 15 1.73
17 Steven Salter The Lamb A Wantage D 87 17 1.71
18 Richard Pike The Lamb A Wantage D 86 17 1.69
19 Simon Armstrong The Queens Arms D 86 17 1.69
20 Ian Northover Brewery Tap D 70 14 1.67
21 John Gould Red Lion B Drayton D 80 16 1.67
22 Lee Mailes The Chequers Charney D 5 1 1.67
23 Dennis Moran Red Lion B Drayton D 5 1 1.67
24 Martin Walsh College Oak B D 10 2 1.67
25 Phil Johnson Brewery Tap D 84 17 1.65
26 Jason Major College Oak B D 78 16 1.63
27 Dean Cheshire The Queens Arms D 73 15 1.62
28 Kev Sanders The Plough Hanney D 77 16 1.6
29 Woody Reiszner Harwellian A D 72 15 1.6
30 LL Daniel Rolls The Queens Arms D 43 9 1.59
31 Liam Priest The Queens Arms D 52 11 1.58
32 Bob Beasant The Chequers Charney D 85 18 1.57
33 Simon Hamblin The Midget D 61 13 1.56
34 Marshall Muldoon Harwellian A D 84 18 1.56
35 Kane Faulkner College Oak B D 65 14 1.55
36 Paul Carrett The Midget D 64 14 1.52
37 Ashley Jerome Harwellian A D 73 16 1.52
38 Tina Harper The Midget D 63 14 1.5
39 Rich Carter The Midget D 72 16 1.5
40 Jamie Spearman The Midget D 80 18 1.48
41 Harry Fryett The Midget D 75 17 1.47
42 Dan Rolls The Queens Arms D 22 5 1.47
43 Pete Fryett The Midget D 61 14 1.45
44 Ricky Thorpe The Chequers Charney D 78 18 1.44
45 Sid Smith Berinsfield SC B D 64 15 1.42
46 Alec Winton Red Lion B Drayton D 17 4 1.42
47 John Thomas Berinsfield SC B D 34 8 1.42
48 Nathan Harper The Midget D 55 13 1.41
49 Gareth Thomas Berinsfield SC B D 50 12 1.39
50 Pastel Hogan The Lamb A Wantage D 46 11 1.39
51 Geoff Smith College Oak B D 50 12 1.39
52 Alfie Thorpe The Chequers Charney D 58 14 1.38
53 Brian Edwards The Lamb A Wantage D 66 16 1.38
54 Spencer Walton Berinsfield SC B D 62 15 1.38
55 Morgan Einon Brewery Tap D 37 9 1.37
56 John Curry Harwellian A D 56 14 1.33
57 James Faulkner College Oak B D 64 16 1.33
58 Peter Hogan The Lamb A Wantage D 48 12 1.33
59 Paul Keep The Lamb A Wantage D 32 8 1.33
60 John Buchanan The Lamb A Wantage D 4 1 1.33
61 Max Wheatley The Queens Arms D 43 11 1.3
62 Mason Kelly The Midget D 58 15 1.29
63 Nat Moody College Oak B D 62 16 1.29
64 Malcolm Royan The Plough Hanney D 31 8 1.29
65 Rhian Bramall Berinsfield SC B D 50 13 1.28
66 Archie Saunders The Chequers Charney D 23 6 1.28
67 Jamie Buchanan The Lamb A Wantage D 23 6 1.28
68 Stephen Prior College Oak B D 48 13 1.23
69 Anthony Beechers Berinsfield SC B D 11 3 1.22
70 Dean Russell Harwellian A D 11 3 1.22
71 Gary Hudson College Oak B D 51 14 1.21
72 Roger Wilson The Plough Hanney D 51 14 1.21
73 Terry Doughty Harwellian A D 35 10 1.17
74 Paul Shakespeare Harwellian A D 56 16 1.17
75 Christopher Blencowe Red Lion B Drayton D 7 2 1.17
76 LL Matthew Heritage Brewery Tap D 14 4 1.17
77 Ed Wilkinson The Plough Hanney D 31 9 1.15
78 Mark weston The Plough Hanney D 34 10 1.13
79 Caroline Baker Red Lion B Drayton D 54 16 1.13
80 Peter Wiblin Red Lion B Drayton D 47 14 1.12
81 Dave Heard The Queens Arms D 40 12 1.11
82 Jase Harper The Midget D 10 3 1.11
83 Paul Trench The Lamb A Wantage D 46 14 1.1
84 John Walton Berinsfield SC B D 48 15 1.07
85 Stephen Pembroke The Plough Hanney D 48 15 1.07
86 Ian Crayford The Chequers Charney D 35 11 1.06
87 Stephen Gardner Red Lion B Drayton D 37 12 1.03
88 Alistair Brewis The Chequers Charney D 43 14 1.02
89 Aaron Dillian Berinsfield SC B D 43 14 1.02
90 John C Vaughan Harwellian A D 39 13 1
91 Michael Russell Red Lion B Drayton D 30 10 1
92 Colin Scrivens The Lamb A Wantage D 3 1 1
93 Mark Poerter Harwellian A D 3 1 1
94 Alan McMath College Oak B D 27 9 1
95 Nathan Grindle The Queens Arms D 9 3 1
96 Peter Phillips The Lamb A Wantage D 47 16 0.98
97 Mark Wheeler The Plough Hanney D 31 11 0.94
98 Andy Mills Brewery Tap D 39 14 0.93
99 Paul Stone The Queens Arms D 28 10 0.93
100 Gareth Cox Red Lion B Drayton D 42 15 0.93
101 David Smyth Brewery Tap D 28 10 0.93
102 Adam Binks The Queens Arms D 11 4 0.92
103 Nathan Keep The Lamb A Wantage D 30 11 0.91
104 Stevie Hedges The Queens Arms D 27 10 0.9
105 Kay Johnson Brewery Tap D 39 15 0.87
106 Paul Faulkner College Oak B D 5 2 0.83
107 Jason Walker The Midget D 14 6 0.78
108 Claire Collier The Chequers Charney D 16 7 0.76
109 Marie Haynes The Plough Hanney D 29 13 0.74
110 David Mills Brewery Tap D 33 15 0.73
111 Johny Selwood College Oak B D 13 6 0.72
112 Roy Loran Red Lion B Drayton D 30 14 0.71
113 Simon Busby Berinsfield SC B D 32 15 0.71
114 Tom Doman The Chequers Charney D 23 11 0.7
115 Mark Jones Brewery Tap D 28 14 0.67
116 Stev Ward College Oak B D 2 1 0.67
117 Graham Bryatt The Midget D 2 1 0.67
118 Brian Trotman The Chequers Charney D 16 8 0.67
119 Dan Smith Berinsfield SC B D 6 3 0.67
120 Sandra Buchanan The Lamb A Wantage D 21 11 0.64
121 Lloyd Woodington Berinsfield SC B D 15 8 0.63
122 Elly Reiszner Harwellian A D 17 9 0.63
123 Jeff Slater The Queens Arms D 9 5 0.6
124 Jamie Stewart The Queens Arms D 21 12 0.58
125 Alan Wilkinson The Plough Hanney D 17 10 0.57
126 James Smith The Plough Hanney D 13 8 0.54
127 Joe Murphy The Queens Arms D 3 2 0.5
128 John Wilkinson The Queens Arms D 3 2 0.5
129 Richard Brown Red Lion B Drayton D 7 5 0.47
130 Dev McKwaine The Plough Hanney D 4 3 0.44
131 Mike Prime Brewery Tap D 5 4 0.42
132 Nic Faulkner College Oak B D 11 9 0.41
133 LL Owain Jones The Plough Hanney D 1 1 0.33
134 Vicki Ruston The Plough Hanney D 1 1 0.33
135 Peter Packham The Plough Hanney D 2 2 0.33
136 Jamie McDonald The Queens Arms D 1 1 0.33
137 Lisa Stone The Queens Arms D 4 4 0.33
138 Richard Blake The Queens Arms D 0 1 0
139 Richard Bunce The Chequers Charney D 0 1 0

E Section

Section Rank Player Team Section Total Dolls Games Played Average
1 Darren Bennett The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 113 16 2.35
2 Andy Burton The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 78 12 2.17
3 Jim Lister North Star A Steventon E 97 16 2.02
4 Steve Fernback Bystander B E 66 11 2
5 Mikey Fowler         LL The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 6 1 2
6 Mandy Whiting North Star A Steventon E 41 7 1.95
7 Brian Bosley Marcham Centre A E 75 13 1.92
8 Charlie Guinan The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 23 4 1.92
9 Kai Dean The Lamb B Wantage E 28 5 1.87
10 Howard Pulleyn            LL North Star A Steventon E 11 2 1.83
11 Paul Brennan Hanney RBL E 87 16 1.81
12 Rob Bartholomew The Lamb B Wantage E 66 13 1.69
13 Richard Underwood Horse & Jockey A E 75 15 1.67
14 Paul Sedwards    LL RAL SC E 20 4 1.67
15 Steve Jasinski Bystander B E 5 1 1.67
16 Leigh Dewar Steventon Sports SC B E 5 1 1.67
17 Jake Moore The Lamb B Wantage E 10 2 1.67
18 Keith McConnell The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 79 16 1.65
19 Paul Hedges Steventon Sports SC B E 58 12 1.61
20 Lee Hutton Marcham Centre A E 62 13 1.59
21 Chris Judkins Hanney RBL E 52 11 1.58
22 Kieran Beesey Marcham Centre A E 38 8 1.58
23 Matt Hill Steventon Sports SC B E 46 10 1.53
24 Aiden McBeth Steventon Sports SC B E 41 9 1.52
25 Wayne Robins RAL SC E 45 10 1.5
26 Nick Moore RAL SC E 36 8 1.5
27 Ollie Saunders The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 71 16 1.48
28 Adam Dewar Steventon Sports SC B E 71 16 1.48
29 Joe Moxon RAL SC E 57 13 1.46
30 Tom Ricketts Marcham Centre A E 57 13 1.46
31 Roger Clarke North Star A Steventon E 61 14 1.45
32 Stuart Brown RAL SC E 48 11 1.45
33 Steve Bartholomew The Lamb B Wantage E 65 15 1.44
34 Jo Wilson Bystander B E 60 14 1.43
35 Adam Gillespie Steventon Sports SC B E 60 14 1.43
36 David Norton North Star A Steventon E 68 16 1.42
37 Tristan Barratt Marcham Centre A E 51 12 1.42
38 Martin Trower Steventon Sports SC B E 47 11 1.42
39 Chris Aram Hanney RBL E 51 12 1.42
40 Simon Hamlet The Lamb B Wantage E 55 13 1.41
41 Nick Guiry The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 63 15 1.4
42 Keith Ricketts Marcham Centre A E 46 11 1.39
43 Phil Ebberson RAL SC E 48 12 1.33
44 Josh Drake The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 12 3 1.33
45 Adam Davies RAL SC E 16 4 1.33
46 James Harvey The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 55 14 1.31
47 Bob Mason North Star A Steventon E 63 16 1.31
48 Chris Hoy Bystander B E 47 12 1.31
49 Kate Dewar Steventon Sports SC B E 43 11 1.3
50 Andy Bowler Hanney RBL E 58 15 1.29
51 Bernard Stimpson North Star A Steventon E 50 13 1.28
52 Jeremy Albin Bystander B E 38 10 1.27
53 Matthew Rolls The Lamb B Wantage E 52 14 1.24
54 David Hutchins RAL SC E 41 11 1.24
55 Russell Gurney Bystander B E 54 15 1.2
56 Richard Whittaker Marcham Centre A E 57 16 1.19
57 Lyn Moore RAL SC E 32 9 1.19
58 Jamie Carter RAL SC E 25 7 1.19
59 Richard Dunsden The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 42 12 1.17
60 Ross Tabor Steventon Sports SC B E 7 2 1.17
61 Jeremy Ciampoli The Lamb B Wantage E 52 15 1.16
62 Keith Connolly The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 48 14 1.14
63 Mark Cousins Marcham Centre A E 41 12 1.14
64 A Fletcher Hanney RBL E 46 14 1.1
65 Barry Sutton Hanney RBL E 46 14 1.1
66 Chris Webb Bystander B E 43 13 1.1
67 Jalil Oraee Bystander B E 23 7 1.1
68 Steven Firn North Star A Steventon E 49 15 1.09
69 Lee Chalmers The Lamb B Wantage E 36 11 1.09
70 Graham Alner North Star A Steventon E 42 13 1.08
71 Hayley Aram Hanney RBL E 26 8 1.08
72 Pete Haydon North Star A Steventon E 44 14 1.05
73 David Stallard Horse & Jockey A E 44 14 1.05
74 Edward Walker The Lamb B Wantage E 22 7 1.05
75 Graham Dallaway Steventon Sports SC B E 40 13 1.03
76 Tom Turner Bystander B E 34 11 1.03
77 Saun Hamilton Hanney RBL E 3 1 1
78 Sam Wahid Bystander B E 18 6 1
79 Jake Nutt Steventon Sports SC B E 32 11 0.97
80 Paul Matthews Marcham Centre A E 28 10 0.93
81 Dan Ebberson RAL SC E 14 5 0.93
82 Max Rippington RAL SC E 14 5 0.93
83 Harry Moore Marcham Centre A E 11 4 0.92
84 Stuart Packford Bystander B E 11 4 0.92
85 Masum Miah The Lamb B Wantage E 24 9 0.89
86 Adam Lockhart The Lamb B Wantage E 5 2 0.83
87 Daniel Osborne The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 5 2 0.83
88 Phil Waddy Bystander B E 15 6 0.83
89 Nigel Jones Bystander B E 22 9 0.81
90 Steven Pottenger Marcham Centre A E 28 12 0.78
91 Matt Hale RAL SC E 7 3 0.78
92 George Walters Steventon Sports SC B E 13 6 0.72
93 Liam Stapleton Hanney RBL E 24 12 0.67
94 Alana Watson-Harrison The Lamb B Wantage E 32 16 0.67
95 Tony Loving Hanney RBL E 4 2 0.67
96 Sam Clark RAL SC E 2 1 0.67
97 Charlotte Newbold Steventon Sports SC B E 13 7 0.62
98 Nick Howe The Lamb B Wantage E 7 4 0.58
99 Gary Smith Hanney RBL E 17 10 0.57
100 Jessica Ray Horse & Jockey A E 19 12 0.53
101 Ian Ray Horse & Jockey A E 8 5 0.53
102 Abigail Ray Horse & Jockey A E 21 14 0.5
103 Paul Hackwood Steventon Sports SC B E 6 4 0.5
104 Henning Bjerglund Bystander B E 3 2 0.5
105 Tyler Gould Hanney RBL E 3 2 0.5
106 Josh Goodwin Horse & Jockey A E 7 5 0.47
107 Scott Gardner Horse & Jockey A E 16 12 0.44
108 Luke Connolly The Wheatsheaf Didcot E 4 3 0.44
109 David Carroll RAL SC E 9 7 0.43
110 Terry Whittaker Marcham Centre A E 5 4 0.42
111 Greg Coombs Horse & Jockey A E 13 11 0.39
112 Adam Harris Hanney RBL E 13 11 0.39
113 Emma Culleton Steventon Sports SC B E 1 1 0.33
114 Tyler Barker Horse & Jockey A E 1 1 0.33
115 Roger Davidson Bystander B E 4 4 0.33
116 Maddie Schofield Horse & Jockey A E 3 3 0.33
117 Gill Ebberson RAL SC E 2 2 0.33
118 Charlotte Ricketts Horse & Jockey A E 1 1 0.33
119 Sylvia Lelowittis RAL SC E 5 6 0.28
120 Brad Davis Horse & Jockey A E 2 3 0.22
121 Viv Albin Bystander B E 1 2 0.17
122 Enya Mayall Horse & Jockey A E 3 9 0.11
123 Ciaron Hamlet The Lamb B Wantage E 0 1 0

F Section

Section Rank Player Team Section Total Dolls Games Played Average
1 Derrick Brown WADS Bar F 128 16 2.67
2 Robert Baker North Star B Steventon F 115 16 2.4
3 George Gregory North Star B Steventon F 7 1 2.33
4 Gareth Brown WADS Bar F 79 13 2.03
5 Nick Alder Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 6 1 2
6 Mark Hodson Sutton Courtenay FC F 6 1 2
7 Ian Kelly Sutton Courtenay FC F 6 1 2
8 Dan Foulks WADS Bar F 65 11 1.97
9 James Fletcher North Star B Steventon F 78 14 1.86
10 Richard Wiltshire Marcham Centre B F 55 10 1.83
11 Andy Luker Grove RFC F 81 15 1.8
12 Gary Bolton Sutton Courtenay FC F 37 7 1.76
13 Brett Phipps Marcham Centre B F 52 10 1.73
14 David Bartlett Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 65 13 1.67
15 Stu Head Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 10 2 1.67
16 Tom Baptie Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 44 9 1.63
17 Wayne Budziszewski Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 62 13 1.59
18 Derek Newman Bystander C F 71 15 1.58
19 Nathan Hamilton Sutton Courtenay FC F 70 15 1.56
20 Andrew Fudge LL WADS Bar F 65 14 1.55
21 Lee Hall Bystander C F 50 11 1.52
22 John Mackay Bystander C F 72 16 1.5
23 Jack Simpson WADS Bar F 9 2 1.5
24 Howard Pulleyn North Star B Steventon F 18 4 1.5
25 AntoniThornhill Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 36 8 1.5
26 Daniel Boyle Marcham Centre B F 57 13 1.46
27 Tom MacGregor Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 56 13 1.44
28 Kieran Cross Bystander C F 56 13 1.44
29 Dave Foulks WADS Bar F 30 7 1.43
30 Levi King Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 54 13 1.38
31 Ben Tyler Bystander C F 48 12 1.33
32 Rhys O’Neill WADS Bar F 8 2 1.33
33 Matthew Rushton Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 36 9 1.33
34 Tom Davies Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 8 2 1.33
35 Scott Vacher WADS Bar F 23 6 1.28
36 Ross Weston Bystander C F 34 9 1.26
37 Mark Harrison WADS Bar F 60 16 1.25
38 Geoff Dix Marcham Centre B F 48 13 1.23
39 Jake Hopgood The Plough Appleton F 22 6 1.22
40 Stephen Riordan Sutton Courtenay FC F 51 14 1.21
41 Jon Jacks Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 7 2 1.17
42 Mike Vokins Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 41 12 1.14
43 Phil Connolly LL Grove RFC F 48 14 1.14
44 Oden Mayall Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 51 15 1.13
45 Duncan Lonsdale Sutton Courtenay FC F 47 14 1.12
46 Tony Simpson WADS Bar F 30 9 1.11
47 Richard Alde Bystander C F 10 3 1.11
48 Simon Rees Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 43 13 1.1
49 Adam Connolly Grove RFC F 43 13 1.1
50 Andrew King Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 23 7 1.1
51 Rob Kin Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 45 14 1.07
52 Marion Belcher Marcham Centre B F 35 11 1.06
53 Tim Dalby Sutton Courtenay FC F 41 13 1.05
54 Adam Blake Sutton Courtenay FC F 43 14 1.02
55 Ty Mayall Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 46 15 1.02
56 Vince Tyrrell Marcham Centre B F 33 11 1
57 James Spinks The Plough Appleton F 30 10 1
58 Cobey Hutt Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 39 13 1
59 Chris McCarthy Grove RFC F 3 1 1
60 Rob Johnson Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 24 8 1
61 Adam Blazko Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 3 1 1
62 Alison Connolly Grove RFC F 12 4 1
63 Kyle Brown WADS Bar F 18 6 1
64 Ted Henderson Marcham Centre B F 41 14 0.98
65 Trevor Hill Marcham Centre B F 32 11 0.97
66 Joe McKellor Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 35 12 0.97
67 Kevin Tarry Grove RFC F 43 15 0.96
68 Paul Golding The Plough Appleton F 40 14 0.95
69 Benedict Scott Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 31 11 0.94
70 John Colgrave North Star B Steventon F 38 14 0.9
71 Keith Smith Sutton Courtenay FC F 32 12 0.89
72 Henry Zaluznyj Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 8 3 0.89
73 Mckenzie Godfrey Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 31 12 0.86
74 Charlie Harrison WADS Bar F 18 7 0.86
75 Josh Golding The Plough Appleton F 28 11 0.85
76 Paul Oliver The Plough Appleton F 36 15 0.8
77 Mick Wright Marcham Centre B F 33 14 0.79
78 Trevor Cox Sutton Courtenay FC F 33 14 0.79
79 Ben Newman Bystander C F 35 15 0.78
80 Sol Parker Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 7 3 0.78
81 Shaun Foss WADS Bar F 7 3 0.78
82 Ken Tombs Marcham Centre B F 25 11 0.76
83 Jackie Nicholl Grove RFC F 9 4 0.75
84 William Hutchinson The Plough Appleton F 9 4 0.75
85 Shauna Simpson WADS Bar F 18 8 0.75
86 Zach Tyler Bystander C F 22 10 0.73
87 Lucas Bowler The Plough Appleton F 11 5 0.73
88 Ryan Frost The Plough Appleton F 20 10 0.67
89 Billy O’Connell Bystander C F 20 10 0.67
90 Luke Bowler The Plough Appleton F 2 1 0.67
91 Mary Carey The Plough Appleton F 2 1 0.67
92 Martin Danby North Star B Steventon F 16 8 0.67
93 Robert Filbrandt LL The Plough Appleton F 6 3 0.67
94 Adrian Carey The Plough Appleton F 2 1 0.67
95 Michael Littlechild Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 17 9 0.63
96 Dylan Thomas WADS Bar F 13 7 0.62
97 Duncan Nicholls Grove RFC F 25 14 0.6
98 Chris Wilding North Star B Steventon F 23 14 0.55
99 Andy Latimer North Star B Steventon F 24 16 0.5
100 Sarah Stacey The Plough Appleton F 9 6 0.5
101 Lynne Mainstone North Star B Steventon F 20 14 0.48
102 Olivia Cooper Bystander C F 7 5 0.47
103 Chris Dennis Sutton Courtenay FC F 16 12 0.44
104 Sean Paul North Star B Steventon F 9 7 0.43
105 Rhys Lewis The Plough Appleton F 12 10 0.4
106 Jorge Eversion Grove RFC F 13 11 0.39
107 Jan Bargus Grove RFC F 7 6 0.39
108 Phil Neale The Plough Appleton F 13 12 0.36
109 Robbie Cook Grove RFC F 14 14 0.33
110 Kim Hall Bystander C F 1 1 0.33
111 Paul Matthews Bystander C F 1 1 0.33
112 Danny Graham North Star B Steventon F 5 5 0.33
113 Steve Cuddon Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne F 1 1 0.33
114 Harvey Dundson North Star B Steventon F 2 2 0.33
115 Kieran Paul North Star B Steventon F 1 1 0.33
116 Gurlie Lonsdale Sutton Courtenay FC F 3 3 0.33
117 Debbie Case Grove RFC F 6 7 0.29
118 Anna Antell The Plough Appleton F 6 7 0.29
119 Liz Dowthwaite The Plough Appleton F 8 10 0.27
120 Rob France Marcham Centre B F 7 9 0.26
121 Jess Bailey North Star B Steventon F 6 9 0.22
122 Chloe O’Keefe Bystander C F 3 6 0.17
123 Mark Sheldon Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V F 2 5 0.13
124 Lisa Pulleyn North Star B Steventon F 0 1 0
125 Ajnna Antell The Plough Appleton F 0 2 0

Summer 2024 Week 10 Results

Match Results (postponed from 10th July)

P/A – Berinsfield SC A 4 – Plum Pudding 2; Legs (24-20, 27-24, 21-30)

P/A – Bystander A 4 – Abingdon Utd@ConClub 2; Legs (19-18, 19-25, 28-15)

P/A – Croft Nomads 4 – The Vine Cumnor 2; Legs (20-23, 26-21, 24-18)

P/A – Steventon Sports SC A 4 – College Oak A 2; Legs (21-18, 17-22, 17-16)

B – Abingdon RBL 6 – The Grapes B 0; Legs (13-10, 15-14, 15-6)

B – Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne 4 – The Croft Bar 2; Legs (15-14, 14-17, 16-9)

B – Stanford in the Vale FC 0 – Abingdon United C 6; Legs (12-18, 13-16, 5-13)

B – The Bell A Grove 4 – Harwellian B 2; Legs (13-12, 11-13, 13-11)

B – The Plough Long Wittenham 2 – The Fox Denchworth 4; Legs (15-11, 10-14, 10-18)

C – Abingdon Con Club 4 – The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor 2; Legs (12-10, 17-14, 9-12)

C – The Prince of Wales Shippon 1 – The Oak Didcot 5; Legs (10-13, 13-15, 11-11)

C – The Waggon and Horses Southmoor 0 – The Bell B Grove 6; Legs (8-11, 8-11, 7-14)

D – College Oak B 2 – The Lamb A Wantage 4; Legs (9-12, 13-11, 6-13)

D – Harwellian A 4 – Red Lion B Drayton 2; Legs (16-7, 10-10, 9-9)

D – The Chequers Charney 6 – The Queens Arms 0; Legs (18-8, 11-8, 10-6)

D – The Midget 6 – Berinsfield SC B 0; Legs (9-7, 15-8, 13-9)

D – The Plough Hanney 2 – Brewery Tap 4; Legs (5-7, 11-5, 6-8)

E – Hanney RBL 1 – North Star A Steventon 5; Legs (6-12, 8-15, 10-10)

E – Horse & Jockey A 2 – Steventon Sports SC B 4; Legs (7-8, 7-5, 7-8)

E – RAL SC 0 – The Wheatsheaf Didcot 6; Legs (12-13, 8-11, 10-13)

E – The Lamb B Wantage 0 – Marcham Centre A 6; Legs (11-12, 8-13, 11-14)

F – Marcham Centre B 4 – Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne 2; Legs (17-7, 10-11, 12-11)

F – North Star B Steventon 4 – Bystander C 2; Legs (11-10, 8-6, 5-8)

F – WADS Bar 6 – The Plough Appleton 0; Legs (8-7, 15-10, 7-5)


Alana Watson-Harrison (The Lamb B Wantage), Chloe O’Keefe (Bystander C), Enya Mayall (Horse & Jockey A), Gary Smith (Hanney RBL), Jamie Stewart (The Queens Arms), Jess Bailey (North Star B Steventon), Joe Hamilton (The Vine Cumnor), Liz Dowthwaite (The Plough Appleton), Mark Pembroke (Stanford in the Vale FC), Mark Wheeler (The Plough Hanney), Ricky Selby (College Oak B), Shauna Simpson (WADS Bar).


Robert Chambers (Plum Pudding).


Alan Bell 3-5-2 (Croft Nomads) – Week 10

Andy Phelps 4-5-2 (Berinsfield SC A) – Week 10

Andy Shipman 5-3-3 (Harwellian B) – Week 10

David Dix 5-5-1 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 10

Kevin Davies 5-1-4 (Plum Pudding) – Week 10

Nick Baldwin 2-5-2 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 10

Phil Adams 4-4-5 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 10

Robert Glen 4-5-1 (Stanford in the Vale FC) – Week 10