Author Archive | Paul Stone

Summer 2024 Week 11 Results

Match Results


P/A – Abingdon Utd@ConClub 4 – The Vine Cumnor 2; Legs (19-21, 23-22, 27-26)

P/A – Bystander A 4 – Plum Pudding 2; Legs (24-28, 35-23, 26-18)

P/A – Croft Nomads 6 – College Oak A 0; Legs (27-23, 21-20, 21-17)

P/A – Steventon Sports SC A 1 – Red Lion Drayton 5; Legs (15-27, 25-25, 18-30)

B – Abingdon RBL 6 – The Croft Bar 0; Legs (10-9, 11-10, 10-8)

B – Abingdon United C 4 – The Grapes B 2; Legs (16-14, 13-20, 16-13)

B – Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne 0 – The Bell A Grove 6; Legs (15-17, 9-13, 8-11)

B – Stanford in the Vale FC 6 – The Fox Denchworth 0; Legs (15-9, 15-10, 18-11)

B – The Plough Long Wittenham 6 – Harwellian B 0; Legs (15-12, 13-10, 17-14)

C – Boundary House 6 – Eight Bells Eaton 0; Legs (11-9, 18-13, 10-7)

C – The Grapes A 1 – Abingdon Con Club 5; Legs (8-18, 13-13, 5-16)

C – The Prince of Wales Shippon 3 – The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor 3; Legs (12-7, 9-9, 5-16)

C – The Waggon and Horses Southmoor 2 – The Oak Didcot 4; Legs (10-6, 9-18, 10-11)

D – College Oak B 2 – Brewery Tap 4; Legs (11-9, 12-15, 7-9)

D – Harwellian A 5 – Berinsfield SC B 1; Legs (15-7, 11-10, 11-11)

D – Red Lion B Drayton 4 – The Lamb A Wantage 2; Legs (6-10, 16-10, 14-11)

D – The Midget 6 – The Queens Arms 0; Legs (14-6, 15-10, 11-9)

D – The Plough Hanney 2 – The Chequers Charney 4; Legs (6-8, 9-8, 4-13)

E – Hanney RBL 4 – Bystander B 2; Legs (10-11, 15-8, 8-6)

E – North Star A Steventon 3 – Steventon Sports SC B 3; Legs (11-11, 7-16, 11-9)

E – The Lamb B Wantage 6 – RAL SC 0; Legs (8-5, 13-12, 13-4)

F – Grove RFC 6 – The Plough Appleton 0; Legs (4-3, 7-5, 8-7)

F – Sutton Courtenay FC 2 – Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne 4; Legs (10-12, 10-13, 11-9)

F – WADS Bar 6 – Bystander C 0; Legs (13-9, 14-10, 14-11)


Bryan Pert (The Fox Denchworth), Ed Wilkinson (The Plough Hanney), Liz Dowthwaite (The Plough Appleton), Nell Ahier (Harwellian B), Richard Bunce (The Chequers Charney), Robbie Cook (Grove RFC), Roger Davidson (Bystander B), Sylvia Lelowittis (RAL SC).


Chris Judkins (Hanney RBL), David Dix (Abingdon Utd@ConClub), Phil Adams (Abingdon Utd@ConClub).


Alan Bell 5-2-3 (Croft Nomads) – Week 11

Andrew Morton 3-5-3 (Bystander A) – Week 11

Dave Collett 5-3-4 (The Plough Long Wittenham) – Week 11

David Mott 5-4-4 (Bystander A) – Week 11

Gareth Brown 5-4-3 (WADS Bar) – Week 11

Gary Daluzvieira 0-1-5 (Harwellian B) – Week 11

Ian Northover 2-5-3 (Brewery Tap) – Week 11

Leigh Clapton 2-3-5 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 11

Marshall Muldoon 1-1-5 (Harwellian A) – Week 11

Phil Adams 3-5-6 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 11

Richard Berry 5-2-3 (Croft Nomads) – Week 11

Steve Dingle 2-5-1 (The Plough Hanney) – Week 11

Steve Martin 2-5-4 (Bystander A) – Week 11



Summer 2024 Week 9 Results

Match Results

P/A – Abingdon Utd@ConClub 5 – Plum Pudding 1; Legs (20-15, 22-22, 24-20)

P/A – Berinsfield SC A 0 – Steventon Sports SC A 6; Legs (23-31, 23-32, 16-22)

P/A – Bystander A 6 – College Oak A 0; Legs (24-23, 26-20, 21-17)

P/A – The Vine Cumnor 2 – Red Lion Drayton 4; Legs (23-16, 17-21, 20-22)

B – Abingdon RBL 0 – Harwellian B 6; Legs (7-11, 7-14, 12-14)

B – Abingdon United C 5 – The Fox Denchworth 1; Legs (15-15, 14-11, 14-11)

B – Stanford in the Vale FC 4 – The Croft Bar 2; Legs (9-5, 10-12, 12-6)

B – The Grapes B 6 – The Bell A Grove 0; Legs (14-10, 19-8, 17-6)

B – The Plough Long Wittenham 3 – Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne 3; Legs (7-12, 9-9, 14-7)

C – Boundary House 6 – The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor 0; Legs (17-12, 17-12, 14-8)

C – The Bell B Grove 2 – The Oak Didcot 4; Legs (15-10, 13-14, 14-18)

C – The Prince of Wales Shippon 5 – The Grapes A 1; Legs (13-12, 13-11, 13-13)

C – The Waggon and Horses Southmoor 4 – Eight Bells Eaton 2; Legs (7-12, 16-12, 15-13)

D – College Oak B 6 – The Queens Arms 0; Legs (11-6, 13-11, 11-10)

D – Harwellian A 4 – Brewery Tap 2; Legs (15-9, 7-13, 11-6)

D – Red Lion B Drayton 4 – Berinsfield SC B 2; Legs (5-7, 14-9, 10-4)

D – The Lamb A Wantage 5 – The Chequers Charney 1; Legs (10-10, 14-8, 12-10)

D – The Midget 4 – The Plough Hanney 2; Legs (7-8, 12-11, 10-4)

E – Hanney RBL 2 – Marcham Centre A 4; Legs (9-8, 8-9, 4-14)

E – Horse & Jockey A 0 – The Wheatsheaf Didcot 6; Legs (4-8, 2-9, 6-9)

E – North Star A Steventon 6 – Bystander B 0; Legs (13-9, 17-9, 13-5)

E – Steventon Sports SC B 0 – RAL SC 6; Legs (5-7, 10-12, 10-13)

F – Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne 5 – North Star B Steventon 1; Legs (9-9, 12-5, 9-8)

F – Grove RFC 5 – Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V 1; Legs (6-4, 7-7, 8-6)

F – Marcham Centre B 4 – Bystander C 2; Legs (10-3, 8-11, 12-7)

F – Sutton Courtenay FC 6 – The Plough Appleton 0; Legs (14-6, 12-9, 13-9)


Adam Harris (Hanney RBL), Alan Wilkinson (The Plough Hanney), Andy Latimer (North Star B Steventon), Billy O’Connell (Bystander C), Carey Lewis (Harwellian B), Charlotte Newbold (Steventon Sports SC B), David Carroll (RAL SC), Greg Coombs (Horse & Jockey A), Ian Bargus (The Croft Bar), Ian Crayford (The Chequers Charney), Joe Bowler (Eight Bells Eaton), John Walton (Berinsfield SC B), Jorge Eversion (Grove RFC), Kay Johnson (Brewery Tap), Keith Connolly (The Wheatsheaf Didcot), Keith McConnell (The Wheatsheaf Didcot), Lee Hutton (Marcham Centre A), Mark Jones (Brewery Tap), Mark Sheldon (Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V), Martin Danby (North Star B Steventon), Rob France (Marcham Centre B), Scott Gardner (Horse & Jockey A), Stevie Hedges (The Queens Arms).


Nick Moore (RAL SC).


Alex Chamberlain 4-5-3 (Berinsfield SC A) – Week 9

Arran Gray 1-5-3 (The Oak Didcot) – Week 9

David Dix 5-3-4 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 9

John Gould 0-5-1 (Red Lion B Drayton) – Week 9

Leigh Clapton 3-5-4 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 9

Liam Brooks 5-3-2 (The Bell B Grove) – Week 9

Liam Priest 0-5-1 (The Queens Arms) – Week 9

Mick Brown 1-5-1 (The Grapes B) – Week 9

Phil Adams 3-5-3 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 9

Rick Fletcher 5-5-1 (Steventon Sports SC A) – Week 9



Singles World Championship 2024

The intrepid 8 from AASL


Glasses at the ready! Half pint souvenir glasses complete with beer vouchers.





Someone thought we ought to enter into the World Open Singles Aunt Sally Championship which is held each year at the Charlbury Beer Festival held at the Cricket Club. 

So Paul Barrett organised our entrance, registration for the Aunt Sally and a mini-bus to get us there and, more importantly, back.  We started off with breakfast at the Beans and Blends cafe at Peachcroft at 9.30 and the bus came for us at 11am getting us to the Charlbury Cricket Club just before opening at noon. This early entry allowed us to bag some of the covered seating next to the no.1 pitch, which was nice, as the draw for the matches would take place at 1pm.

This festival is in its 26th year and the Singles competition has been going since 2011 so this was the 12th year (due to covid omissions). Of course we were following in the footsteps of the greats of Barry Parker (2016) and Phil Adams (2019) as champions from the Abingdon league and other league winners like Trevor Dyer, Steve McAteer, Henry Johnson, Roger Goodall, Kevin Powney and latest champion for the last two years Rod Bradford. 

League Players in capitals

Our contestants were Bob Duff, Ian Brook, John Miles, Micky Neal, Paul Barrett, Paul Stone, Steve Enoch & Tom Baldwin. 

With the League players and walk-ins we got to the magic 64 contenders for the challenge.

The draw allocated 32 each side of the ‘board’ – this allowed the organiser (Nick) to split the sides of the board over the two pitches.            

(The league players are in capitals the tryers in lower case)

We were the furthest away from the Beer tent which wasn’t such a bad thing as we still had to be able to see the doll! Beer vouchers were £10 for 4 halves and the bartender just crossed off your sheet.  You can take your own pint glass but the half pint must be used to it fill up.

We were also farthest away from the music tent – one band was ‘giving it all’ in my first game and it made me stop and concentrate! There was a wide variety of performers playing through the day. There must have been 70+ beers available so don’t try testing every one. The free programme listed them all with tasting notes and Cider and Wine drinkers weren’t forgotten.

Anyway back to Aunt Sally and Paul Barrett was first up on pitch 2 drawing Tracey Denton and losing a straight 2 legs (2-1, 3-2). Not a great start and one which he got a ribbing for on the bus home. At this point previous champ Henry Johnson had gone through to be beaten by Semifinalist Alan Goodgame who ended up beating his brother Ian Goodgame to get into the final who’d beat me in the last 32 after one of the lowest scoring tight games! Legs 2-2, 1-1, 2-2 and a 3sticker 1-1 then 1 stick 1-1 then 0-1 in what I thought was back to 6 sticks but it was Oxford rules 1 stick! Never mind – I went out to a solid player on sudden death.

I can tell you its SO much different to a league match when its just you, the sticks and the doll and if you don’t enter competitions you’ll never be able to understand how to control your nerves. 

Steve Enock couldn’t find form but strung it out against Luke Manning with 1 stick killer – legs (0-1, 1-1, 2-1 3 stick 1-1 1 stick 0-1) so another one bit the dust. 

With the luck of the draw Tom Baldwin played Ian Brook in the first round – so we were guaranteed someone in the next 32! However Tom played his socks off with a straight 2 leg win 3-1 and 4-0! I’ll be honest I wouldn’t have put money on that given Ian’s pedigree. Just shows anything can happen in singles. It was just before this game that I got interviewed live on BBC Radio Oxford who were there reporting on all the proceedings with regular ‘updates’ on Aunt Sally. 

John Miles went out to Mark Poulter (1-3, 1-2) who was eventually taken out by Roger Goodall. Micky Neal was also taken out in the first round by Dick Walsh over 3 legs (1-2, 3-3, 1-1). Dick was recounting the Black Prince trophy (Woodstock) which is no longer played due to the pub closing last year. Dick eventually went out to Ian McAteer. 

Meanwhile on Pitch 1 Bob Duff took out Darren Grant (2-1, 1-3, 2-1) and then John Bradshaw again over 3 legs (1-1, 3-0, 2-1) and then into the quarter final after taking out Dave Fry (3-3, 2-1, 1-1).  Unfortunately I didn’t get to see Bob play last year’s champion Rob Bradford as I was queuing for food (for a good 20 mins!) and as you can see I didn’t get a snap of the scores on the board. Suffice to say that Bob did his best and it, as it goes sometimes, was not his best.

World Champion Trophies

Roger Goodall’s winners trophy, sticks and his trademark bottle of talcum powder used on his sticks.

So the final was between Roger Goodall and Alan Goodgame. I did record the event and it’ll be on AuntSallyTV

Roger became the champion once again (previously 2017) so deserved congratulations to him and a big thanks to the organiser Nick and his team and the bricky (Rob Tudge) who stuck up what seemed like most of the time in the sunshine and set out the pitches!

The Abingdon Eight can certainly recommend going if not for the beer and entertainment then for the Aunt Sally, after all anyone of us COULD have been a winner!

Paul Stone


Summer 2024 Week 8 Results

Match Results

P/A – Berinsfield SC A 4 – The Vine Cumnor 2; Legs (23-20, 27-25, 19-23)

P/A – Croft Nomads 2 – Abingdon Utd@ConClub 4; Legs (22-21, 20-21, 21-27)

P/A – Steventon Sports SC A 2 – Plum Pudding 4; Legs (24-21, 22-23, 16-25)

P/A – Red Lion Drayton 4 – Bystander A 2; Legs (21-27, 21-15, 25-20)

B – Abingdon RBL 2 – Abingdon United C 4; Legs (14-8, 13-16, 10-12)

B – Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne 5 – The Fox Denchworth 1; Legs (9-8, 11-11, 18-6)

B – Harwellian B 4 – The Croft Bar 2; Legs (16-12, 11-12, 12-10)

B – The Bell A Grove 6 – Stanford in the Vale FC 0; Legs (13-10, 17-12, 15-13)

B – The Plough Long Wittenham 2 – The Grapes B 4; Legs (11-17, 8-13, 13-10)

C – Abingdon Con Club 2 – The Waggon and Horses Southmoor 4; Legs (16-17, 16-4, 11-13)

C – Boundary House 2 – The Bell B Grove 4; Legs (10-9, 9-11, 8-10)

C – The Grapes A 2 – The Oak Didcot 4; Legs (14-13, 11-14, 14-15)

D – College Oak B 4 – Red Lion B Drayton 2; Legs (8-9, 15-10, 16-10)

D – The Chequers Charney 2 – Harwellian A 4; Legs (10-12, 11-10, 9-10)

D – The Midget 6 – The Lamb A Wantage 0; Legs (13-11, 16-10, 13-12)

D – The Plough Hanney 3 – Berinsfield SC B 3; Legs (13-9, 8-8, 6-14)

D – The Queens Arms 2 – Brewery Tap 4; Legs (10-8, 13-14, 4-18)

E – Horse & Jockey A 0 – North Star A Steventon 6; Legs (1-12, 5-11, 3-4)

E – RAL SC 2 – Hanney RBL 4; Legs (9-10, 14-5, 10-17)

E – The Lamb B Wantage 4 – Bystander B 2; Legs (8-13, 12-11, 12-7)

E – The Wheatsheaf Didcot 6 – Marcham Centre A 0; Legs (13-11, 17-14, 16-7)

F – Bystander C 3 – Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V 3; Legs (7-7, 6-8, 10-6)

F – Marcham Centre B 0 – Sutton Courtenay FC 6; Legs (5-7, 3-6, 8-9)

F – North Star B Steventon 4 – Grove RFC 2; Legs (9-6, 9-5, 5-7)

F – WADS Bar 4 – Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne 2; Legs (12-12, 13-9, 12-12)


Ashley Wheeler (The Waggon and Horses Southmoor), Ben Newman (Bystander C), Bob Humphreys (The Plough Long Wittenham), Chris Hoy (Bystander B), Chris Wilding (North Star B Steventon), Duncan Nicholls (Grove RFC), Edward Houlihan (Boundary House), Enya Mayall (Horse & Jockey A), Harvey Dundson (North Star B Steventon), James Smith (The Plough Hanney), Keith Brown (The Plough Long Wittenham), Liam Stapleton (Hanney RBL), Robbie Cook (Grove RFC), Scott Gardner (Horse & Jockey A), Viv Albin (Bystander B).


David Dix (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) & Simon Winterbourne (Plum Pudding).


Colin Brind 5-3-2 (Steventon Sports SC A) – Week 8

David Dix 5-3-6 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 8

David Mott 5-1-3 (Bystander A) – Week 8

Dean Bowler 5-1-2 (Red Lion Drayton) – Week 8

Glenn Woolley 1-1-5 (Red Lion Drayton) – Week 8

Mike Phipps 5-1-3 (The Waggon and Horses Southmoor) – Week 8

Phil Adams 3-5-4 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 8

Scott Humphries 2-2-5 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 8

Steve Martin 5-2-3 (Bystander A) – Week 8

Steve Peedell 2-5-3 (The Vine Cumnor) – Week 8

Stuart Wilson 2-5-2 (Berinsfield SC A) – Week 8



Summer 2024 Week 7 Results

Match Results

P/A – Abingdon Utd@ConClub 4 – Berinsfield SC A 2; Legs (30-19, 31-17, 20-21)

P/A – Bystander A 5 – Croft Nomads 1; Legs (29-19, 25-25, 24-16)

P/A – College Oak A 2 – Red Lion Drayton 4; Legs (20-22, 25-23, 20-23)

P/A – The Vine Cumnor 2 – Steventon Sports SC A 4; Legs (23-21, 25-29, 17-20)

B – Abingdon United C 1 – The Plough Long Wittenham 5; Legs (10-11, 13-18, 9-9)

B – Stanford in the Vale FC 0 – Abingdon RBL 6; Legs (10-15, 12-15, 14-15)

B – The Croft Bar 4 – The Bell A Grove 2; Legs (13-10, 15-13, 9-14)

B – The Fox Denchworth 0 – Harwellian B 6; Legs (12-15, 15-17, 13-14)

B – The Grapes B 4 – Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne 2; Legs (12-13, 20-11, 18-14)

C – Eight Bells Eaton 0 – Abingdon Con Club 6; Legs (12-19, 9-17, 13-19)

C – The Bell B Grove 6 – The Prince of Wales Shippon 0; Legs (15-10, 10-9, 14-9)

C – The Oak Didcot 4 – The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor 2; Legs (11-13, 13-7, 13-5)

C – The Waggon and Horses Southmoor 0 – Boundary House 6; Legs (11-12, 13-16, 6-14)

D – Brewery Tap 5 – The Chequers Charney 1; Legs (12-9, 15-15, 13-9)

D – Harwellian A 6 – College Oak B 0; Legs (13-11, 10-7, 12-11)

D – Red Lion B Drayton 1 – The Midget 5; Legs (8-12, 10-10, 8-10)

D – The Lamb A Wantage 3 – The Plough Hanney 3; Legs (11-8, 9-9, 9-11)

E – Bystander B 2 – The Wheatsheaf Didcot 4; Legs (10-11, 14-15, 12-10)

E – Hanney RBL 6 – Horse & Jockey A 0; Legs (11-3, 8-4, 12-4)

E – Marcham Centre A 4 – RAL SC 2; Legs (6-7, 8-7, 15-10)

F – Grove RFC 2 – Marcham Centre B 4; Legs (8-10, 7-8, 11-8)

F – Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V 5 – North Star B Steventon 1; Legs (4-4, 11-9, 8-7)

F – Sutton Courtenay FC 0 – WADS Bar 6; Legs (6-15, 10-15, 6-10)

F – The Plough Appleton 2 – Bystander C 4; Legs (4-4, 7-9, 7-7)


Andy Latimer (North Star B Steventon), Caroline Baker (Red Lion B Drayton), Chris Dennis (Sutton Courtenay FC), Chris Roberts (The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor), David Stallard (Horse & Jockey A), Derek Edwards (The Bell A Grove), Enya Mayall (Horse & Jockey A), Greg Coombs (Horse & Jockey A), Jack Checketts (Stanford in the Vale FC), Jess Bailey (North Star B Steventon), Marie Haynes (The Plough Hanney), Michael Littlechild (Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V), Peter Kilby (The Fox Denchworth), Phil Neale (The Plough Appleton), Rob France (Marcham Centre B), Sylvia Lelowittis (RAL SC), Zach Tyler (Bystander C).


Andrew Morton (Bystander A), David Dix (2) (Abingdon Utd@ConClub).


Alan Bell 3-5-2 (Croft Nomads) – Week 7

Cameron King 4-5-3 (Brewery Tap) – Week 7

Jason Bowler 5-2-1 (Bystander A) – Week 7

Leigh Clapton 5-5-1 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 7

Mick Christopher 1-1-5 (The Grapes B) – Week 7

Paul Barrett 4-5-3 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 7

Rick Fletcher 5-4-3 (Steventon Sports SC A) – Week 7

Stephen J Fisher 3-5-3 (The Oak Didcot) – Week 7



Summer 2024 Week 6 Results

Match Results

P/A – Berinsfield SC A 3 – Bystander A 3; Legs (28-20, 22-23, 23-23)

P/A – Steventon Sports SC A 0 – Abingdon Utd@ConClub 6; Legs (11-22, 19-21, 24-25)

P/A – College Oak A 4 – Plum Pudding 2; Legs (20-19, 22-23, 25-22)

P/A – Red Lion Drayton 1 – Croft Nomads 5; Legs (20-24, 23-24, 28-28)

B – Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne 0 – Abingdon United C 6; Legs (18-19, 15-18, 13-14)

B – Harwellian B 1 – The Grapes B 5; Legs (16-16, 16-19, 10-12)

B – The Bell A Grove 3 – Abingdon RBL 3; Legs (20-16, 5-9, 11-11)

B – The Croft Bar 4 – The Fox Denchworth 2; Legs (15-5, 10-11, 14-10)

B – The Plough Long Wittenham 0 – Stanford in the Vale FC 6; Legs (10-15, 11-13, 11-14)

C – Abingdon Con Club 6 – Boundary House 0; Legs (11-9, 14-12, 12-9)

C – Eight Bells Eaton 3 – The Oak Didcot 3; Legs (9-18, 9-6, 14-14)

C – The Grapes A 3 – The Bell B Grove 3; Legs (13-8, 9-20, 12-12)

C – The Prince of Wales Shippon 6 – The Waggon and Horses Southmoor 0; Legs (11-9, 13-10, 11-6)

D – Brewery Tap 2 – Berinsfield SC B 4; Legs (6-10, 6-12, 10-5)

D – The Chequers Charney 2 – College Oak B 4; Legs (9-6, 10-14, 7-8)

D – The Midget 2 – Harwellian A 4; Legs (7-12, 11-16, 14-12)

D – The Plough Hanney 3 – Red Lion B Drayton 3; Legs (16-13, 9-13, 12-12)

D – The Queens Arms 6 – The Lamb A Wantage 0; Legs (12-11, 14-4, 10-8)

E – Marcham Centre A 4 – Bystander B 2; Legs (12-10, 9-10, 10-8)

E – The Lamb B Wantage 2 – North Star A Steventon 4; Legs (7-13, 8-13, 10-9)

E – The Wheatsheaf Didcot 4 – Steventon Sports SC B 2; Legs (9-12, 15-12, 16-10)

F – Bystander C 1 – Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne 5; Legs (4-13, 10-10, 13-15)

F – Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V 5 – The Plough Appleton 1; Legs (9-5, 9-5, 6-6)

F – North Star B Steventon 0 – Marcham Centre B 6; Legs (6-13, 7-12, 5-8)

F – WADS Bar 6 – Grove RFC 0; Legs (17-12, 9-5, 9-6)


Anthony Humphreys (Boundary House), -Bert Newman (Bystander A), -Charlie Harrison (WADS Bar), -Colin Fox (The Waggon and Horses Southmoor), -Hayden Wells (The Oak Didcot), -Lynne Mainstone (North Star B Steventon), -Mark Sheldon (Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V), -Peter Kilby (The Fox Denchworth), -Richard Pike (The Lamb A Wantage), -Russell Stock (The Fox Denchworth), -Sarah Stacey (The Plough Appleton), -Sean Paul (North Star B Steventon), -Tom Doman (The Chequers Charney).


Barry Townsend (Croft Nomads) & Leigh Clapton (Abingdon Utd@ConClub).


Alec Chamberlain 5-3-4 (Berinsfield SC A) – Week 6

Derek Fletcher 2-3-5 (Steventon Sports SC A) – Week 6

Nick Baldwin 5-1-2 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 6

Phil Adams 5-4-3 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 6

Richard Berry 3-5-3 (Croft Nomads) – Week 6

Richard Jones 5-2-1 (Berinsfield SC A) – Week 6

Scott Humphries 2-2-5 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 6

Stephen J Fisher 5-2-3 (The Oak Didcot) – Week 6

Steve Enock 3-1-5 (Croft Nomads) – Week 6

Trevor Harrhy 4-2-5 (Abingdon United C) – Week 6


Summer 2024 Week 5 Results

Match Results

P/A – Bystander A 3 – Steventon Sports SC A 3;-Legs (25-25, 22-26, 26-22)

P/A – Croft Nomads 6 – Berinsfield SC A 0;-Legs (23-15, 22-20, 26-22)

P/A – Plum Pudding 3 – Red Lion Drayton 3;-Legs (23-23, 17-28, 24-21)

P/A – The Vine Cumnor 4 – College Oak A 2;-Legs (22-20, 21-18, 20-21)

B – Abingdon RBL 4 – The Plough Long Wittenham 2;-Legs (11-4, 12-10, 8-9)

B – Abingdon United C 3 – Harwellian B 3;-Legs (16-16, 13-13, 16-16)

B – Stanford in the Vale FC 5 – Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne 1;-Legs (11-8, 10-10, 14-12)

B – The Fox Denchworth 3 – The Bell A Grove 3;-Legs (13-13, 12-15, 15-13)

B – The Grapes B 2 – The Croft Bar 4;-Legs (17-10, 7-9, 11-14)

C – Boundary House 5 – The Prince of Wales Shippon 1;-Legs (17-10, 12-12, 13-11)

C – The Bell B Grove 4 – The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor 2;-Legs (7-11, 18-14, 15-12)

C – The Oak Didcot 1 – Abingdon Con Club 5;-Legs (9-9, 11-14, 10-16)

C – The Waggon and Horses Southmoor 4 – The Grapes A 2;-Legs (14-15, 14-12, 10-8)

D – Berinsfield SC B 2 – The Chequers Charney 4;-Legs (10-7, 8-11, 11-16)

D – College Oak B 2 – The Midget 4;-Legs (8-13, 12-14, 9-8)

D – Harwellian A 4 – The Plough Hanney 2;-Legs (10-16, 15-12, 11-9)

D – The Lamb A Wantage 2 – Brewery Tap 4;-Legs (3-9, 11-10, 10-11)

D – The Queens Arms 2 – Red Lion B Drayton 4;-Legs (9-7, 9-11, 12-16)

E – Bystander B 4 – RAL SC 2;-Legs (10-9, 5-4, 7-8)

E – Hanney RBL 4 – The Lamb B Wantage 2;-Legs (10-14, 11-7, 14-4)

E – North Star A Steventon 2 – The Wheatsheaf Didcot 4;-Legs (9-8, 8-14, 7-13)

E – Steventon Sports SC B 6 – Marcham Centre A 0;-Legs (9-7, 9-7, 10-6)

F – Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne 6 – Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V 0 – FORFEIT

F – Marcham Centre B 2 – WADS Bar 4;-Legs (8-16, 7-16, 16-13)

F – Sutton Courtenay FC 4 – Bystander C 2;-Legs (12-7, 9-16, 10-9)

F – The Plough Appleton 2 – North Star B Steventon 4;-Legs (8-9, 9-10, 4-3)


Andrew Shallis (The Plough Long Wittenham), David Mills (Brewery Tap), Elly Reiszner (Harwellian A), Ken Tombs (Marcham Centre B), Liz Dowthwaite (The Plough Appleton), Mike Prime (Brewery Tap), Nick Howe (The Lamb B Wantage), Pamela Edwards (Stanford in the Vale FC), Paul Absolon (Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne), Richard Brown (Red Lion B Drayton), Sandra Buchanan (The Lamb A Wantage), Sean Paul (North Star B Steventon), Steven Firn (North Star A Steventon), Tom Turner (Bystander B).


Once again no sixers this week so here are the best of the rest.


Alan Bell 4-5-5 (Croft Nomads) – Week 5

Barry Townsend 5-2-3 (Croft Nomads) – Week 5

Dan Foulks 5-4-1 (WADS Bar) – Week 5

Dave Hudson 5-2-2 (Bystander A) – Week 5

David Harris 2-5-2 (The Prince of Wales Shippon) – Week 5

Ed Wilkinson 5-2-2 (The Plough Hanney) – Week 5

Ian Brook 2-4-5 (Croft Nomads) – Week 5

Joe Moxon 5-0-2 (RAL SC) – Week 5

Lee Brown 5-1-2 (The Grapes B) – Week 5

Liam Brooks 1-5-3 (The Bell B Grove) – Week 5

Robert Baker 4-5-0 (North Star B Steventon) – Week 5

Roly Bunce 2-4-5 (The Chequers Charney) – Week 5

Terry Downes 1-3-5 (Plum Pudding) – Week 5



Summer 2024 Week 4 Results

Match Results

P/A – Steventon Sports SC A 1 – Croft Nomads 5;  Legs (20-26, 24-24, 20-24),

P/A – College Oak A 2 – Abingdon Utd@ConClub 4;  Legs (20-21, 23-26, 23-19),

P/A – Plum Pudding 6 – The Vine Cumnor 0;  Legs (23-17, 23-21, 23-20),

P/A – Red Lion Drayton 6 – Berinsfield SC A 0;  Legs (30-16, 26-22, 22-21),

B – Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne 4 – Abingdon RBL 2;  Legs (15-12, 13-17, 14-13),

B – Harwellian B 1 – Stanford in the Vale FC 5;  Legs (12-12, 15-16, 13-17),

B – The Bell A Grove 4 – The Plough Long Wittenham 2;  Legs (17-11, 17-19, 17-15),

B – The Croft Bar 4 – Abingdon United C 2;  Legs (11-17, 15-14, 14-12),

B – The Fox Denchworth 2 – The Grapes B 4;  Legs (6-15, 11-12, 10-9),

C – Abingdon Con Club 4 – The Prince of Wales Shippon 2;  Legs (8-7, 13-11, 6-8),

C – Eight Bells Eaton 6 – The Bell B Grove 0;  Legs (16-11, 12-10, 16-13),

C – The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor 5 – The Waggon and Horses Southmoor 1;  Legs (13-13, 14-12, 12-9),

C – The Grapes A 3 – Boundary House 3;  Legs (11-11, 9-16, 19-11),

D – Berinsfield SC B 4 – The Lamb A Wantage 2;  Legs (13-10, 16-10, 8-10),

D – Brewery Tap 2 – Red Lion B Drayton 4;  Legs (11-10, 11-14, 9-15),

D – The Chequers Charney 6 – The Midget 0;  Legs (14-13, 15-11, 9-7),

D – The Plough Hanney 3 – College Oak B 3;  Legs (9-9, 16-14, 10-12),

D – The Queens Arms 2 – Harwellian A 4;  Legs (9-12, 7-9, 8-7),

E – Bystander B 2 – Steventon Sports SC B 4;  Legs (11-13, 9-8, 12-13),

E – Marcham Centre A 2 – North Star A Steventon 4;  Legs (12-8, 6-14, 7-11),

E – The Lamb B Wantage 6 – Horse & Jockey A 0;  Legs (12-7, 13-3, 12-4),

E – The Wheatsheaf Didcot 4 – Hanney RBL 2;  Legs (15-13, 10-6, 12-13),

F – Bystander C 4 – Grove RFC 2;  Legs (12-7, 9-7, 6-11),

F – Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V 3 – Sutton Courtenay FC 3;  Legs (10-10, 6-2, 5-10),

F – North Star B Steventon 1 – WADS Bar 5;  Legs (11-11, 9-13, 10-13),

F – The Plough Appleton 0 – Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne 6;  Legs (3-9, 8-10, 5-14).


A Fletcher (Hanney RBL), , Abigail Ray (Horse & Jockey A), , Adam Binks (The Queens Arms), , Brad Davis (Horse & Jockey A), , Chloe O’Keefe (Bystander C), , John Colgrave (North Star B Steventon), , Jorge Eversion (Grove RFC), , Keith Smith (Sutton Courtenay FC), , Lynne Mainstone (North Star B Steventon), , Max Wheatley (The Queens Arms), , Nigel Hibberd (Abingdon Con Club), , Rhys Lewis (The Plough Appleton), , Richard Whittaker (Marcham Centre A), , Shaun Dominic (The Prince of Wales Shippon), , Spencer Walton (Berinsfield SC B), , Steven Pottenger (Marcham Centre A).


Like buses you wait 3 weeks then 3 come at once!

David Dix (Abingdon Utd@ConClub), Rick Fletcher (Steventon Sports SC A), Stuart Wilson (Berinsfield SC A).


Alan Bell 5-3-2 (Croft Nomads) – Week 4

Billy Collett 5-2-3 (The Plough Long Wittenham) – Week 4

Darren Bennett 5-3-4 (The Wheatsheaf Didcot) – Week 4

David Butler 2-2-5 (Croft Nomads) – Week 4

David Sapey 4-5-3 (Abingdon RBL) – Week 4

Derek Fletcher 5-2-1 (Steventon Sports SC A) – Week 4

John Thomas 1-5-1 (Berinsfield SC B) – Week 4

Matt Dingle 1-3-5 (The Vine Cumnor) – Week 4

Mick Brown 5-3-1 (The Grapes B) – Week 4

Phil Adams 5-5-5 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 4

Phil Johnson 5-3-1 (Brewery Tap) – Week 4

Rob Bartholomew 0-5-3 (The Lamb B Wantage) – Week 4

Scott Tabor 5-2-3 (Red Lion Drayton) – Week 4

Steve Enock 2-3-5 (Croft Nomads) – Week 4


Summer 2024 Week 3 Results

Match Results

Premier/A –  Abingdon Utd@ConClub 2 – Red Lion Drayton 4;, Legs (20-18, 17-21, 23-24),

Premier/A – Berinsfield SC A 2 – College Oak A 4;, Legs (16-22, 13-25, 26-20),

Premier/A – Bystander A 4 – The Vine Cumnor 2;, Legs (22-19, 22-24, 27-22),

Premier/A – Croft Nomads 1 – Plum Pudding 5;, Legs (13-18, 14-19, 21-21),

B – Abingdon RBL 4 – The Fox Denchworth 2;, Legs (19-7, 13-12, 7-13),

B – Abingdon United C 4 – The Bell A Grove 2;, Legs (15-14, 7-12, 14-10),

B – Fleur de Lys A, Hagbourne 3 – Harwellian B 3;, Legs (10-12, 13-13, 15-13),

B – Stanford in the Vale FC 6 – The Grapes B 0;, Legs (10-8, 11-8, 13-9),

B – The Plough Long Wittenham 3 – The Croft Bar 3;, Legs (10-11, 14-13, 11-11),

C – Boundary House 4 – The Oak Didcot 2;, Legs (8-11, 16-14, 12-11),

C – The Bell B Grove 0 – Abingdon Con Club 6;, Legs (12-13, 13-19, 16-21),

C – The Grapes A 2 – The Bear and Ragged Staff Cumnor 4;, Legs (12-13, 9-11, 17-13),

C – The Prince of Wales Shippon 1 – Eight Bells Eaton 5;, Legs (5-5, 7-9, 14-16),

D – College Oak B 6 – Berinsfield SC B 0;, Legs (12-9, 17-12, 16-12),

D – Harwellian A 6 – The Lamb A Wantage 0;, Legs (12-10, 21-11, 19-11),

D – Red Lion B Drayton 6 – The Chequers Charney 0;, Legs (12-8, 10-8, 14-12),

D – The Midget 6 – Brewery Tap 0;, Legs (11-8, 13-12, 14-9),

D – The Plough Hanney 6 – The Queens Arms 0;, Legs (10-9, 6-4, 10-4),

E – Hanney RBL 4 – Steventon Sports SC B 2;, Legs (6-3, 11-12, 11-4),

E – Horse & Jockey A 0 – Bystander B 6;, Legs (4-8, 5-9, 3-8),

E – North Star A Steventon 4 – RAL SC 2;, Legs (13-9, 9-12, 11-8),

E – The Lamb B Wantage 3 – The Wheatsheaf Didcot 3;, Legs (11-13, 14-13, 8-8),

F – Grove RFC 2 – Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne 4;, Legs (5-9, 7-5, 5-9),

F – Marcham Centre B 4 – The Plough Appleton 2;, Legs (7-4, 6-1, 2-4),

F – Sutton Courtenay FC 2 – North Star B Steventon 4;, Legs (7-9, 9-13, 12-9),

F – WADS Bar 6 – Horse and Jockey B Stanford i-t-V 0;, Legs (8-5, 10-8, 17-7).


Abigail Ray (Horse & Jockey A), , Adam Sandford (The Grapes B), , Aiden McBeth (Steventon Sports SC B), , Anna Antell (The Plough Appleton), , Bernard Stimpson (North Star A Steventon), , Colin Smith (Croft Nomads), , Dave Heard (The Queens Arms), , David Bartlett (Fleur de Lys B Hagbourne), , Duncan Nicholls (Grove RFC), , Enya Mayall (Horse & Jockey A), , Haydn Fullick (Boundary House), , John Wilkinson (The Queens Arms), , Jorge Eversion (Grove RFC), , Ken Tombs (Marcham Centre B), , Paul Oliver (The Plough Appleton), , Phil Neale (The Plough Appleton), , Sylvia Lelowittis (RAL SC), , Trevor Hill (Marcham Centre B), , Tyler Gould (Hanney RBL).


No sixers again this week so here are the nearlies…


Barry Townsend 4-1-5 (Croft Nomads) – Week 3

Danny Mcardle 4-1-5 (The Grapes A) – Week 3

Darren Holmes 5-2-2 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 3

James Branch 0-1-5 (The Grapes A) – Week 3

Jason Bowler 3-3-5 (Bystander A) – Week 3

Jason Greenaway 2-5-2 (Berinsfield SC B) – Week 3

John Pownceby 1-5-3 (The Vine Cumnor) – Week 3

Leigh Clapton 4-2-5 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 3

Michael Neal 2-3-5 (Abingdon Con Club) – Week 3

Phil Adams 3-4-5 (Abingdon Utd@ConClub) – Week 3

Robert Baker 5-4-1 (North Star B Steventon) – Week 3

Simon Winterbourne 0-2-5 (Plum Pudding) – Week 3



Support Email now working!

If you’ve emailed support over the last couple of weeks you will have noticed email was not working.

It now is along with our other contact addresses of chairman, secretary, committee and webmaster should you need them for more private or non-scoring issues.

Many thanks for your patience and here’s a compensatory picture of Abingdon on Thames. 🙂 

Paul Stone