Wednesday evening, a soggy mess.

Well, Wednesday evening certainly exceeded our worst expectations in terms of the weather and we had no option other than to call off the planned Captain’s Cup Final  and the Founders and legends competition for the over 50’s.


Most people had the common sense to stay at home, but both the Captain’s finalist and Mickey Neal our  host at Abingdon Conservative Club all turned up together with Paul Stone and myself and a couple of potential entrants, but the weather was so atrocious that there was never any chance to play so all present took the joint decision to call it a day and retire to the bar!

We now have a dilemma as to whether we can re-arrange the Founders & Legends which within the next week or so or outside or alternatively,we could  play the competition indoors a little later if we can find a suitable date and venue. The Captains final which has already been re-arranged is a little less challenging as we can possibly fit that in before the start of the Presentation Night in November or on a Wednesday evening before the scheduled winter league fixtures which start this week .

Whatever we will explore all of  the options and make a decision as soon as possible and let you know by early next week.


Apologies, but we all know what they say about best laid plans………………..



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