Well, we have nearly sorted out all of the confusion that I caused last week by not updating the right week number before last Wednesday’s results started to be input. The remaining scores and amendments should be sorted by the weekend and the team and individual player scores for weeks 4 and 5 and therefore the league tables should be accurate by then! Once again apologies to those of you who are avid followers of scores and results, at the moment there are still some that need to be changed or updated.
As a result our week 5 high and low lights report is running a little late, but that again should be available by the weekend.
Some good news for you who diligently put your results in as son as the match is over and thank you for that it is, if I have done my job right, very helpful. So this week the week number is already set at week 6 (tonight!) so there should be no repeat of last week’s debacle!
Enjoy your games tonight and as importantly enjoy what promises to be what is really promising to be our first really warm Wednesday summer’s evening.
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