Xmas 2020 Update

A Christmas update for all


Well, we are approaching the end of 2020 and the country is still in the grip of a pandemic which, as we all know led to the cancellation of our season for very obvious reasons. Whilst many of us would all have wished for a different outcome the reality of a loss of the season was nothing in comparison to what so many have suffered in terms of health, jobs and financial hardship including many of our own Aunt Sally community.

As 2021 fast approaches we would normally be planning for our AGM and subsequent 2021 Registration Night. That would be in anticipation of a season ahead, but at this stage with the virus still raging that would be at best insensitive and at worst just plain foolhardy.


So no AGM, no registration night planned until the Spring at the earliest and maybe not even then. There has to be a real and sustained improvement in the situation before we can even contemplate thinking about a 2021 season and what that might look like. Your 2020 committee will let you know what next, but in all likelihood it will be March before we are able to even think about it.


In the meantime, we know Aunt Sally is the very last thing on everyone’s mind even the most avid supporters of the game. We hope you can have an enjoyable Xmas, look after yourselves, your families and your friends and here’s hopefully looking forward to a better year ahead for everyone.

Best wishes and most of all stay safe

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