2016 Annual General Meeting (Resumed)

The Adjourned AGM from the 25th January was resumed at Abingdon United FC on 9th Feb at 8pm.

Chairman Barguss opened the meeting with apologies from S.Humphries and J.Simmons.

The Team Register was taken with 15 teams represented.

Election of Officers

The Chairman mentioned that some were challenging that you cannot serve on the committee without being a signed on player. He challenged people to find a copy of the rules with that in as it isn’t in the current rules. He did say that he has signed on for Abingdon United. He was questioned why he didn’t sign on for his previous team. The Chairman replied that although he was going to attempt to be there for some games it wasn’t fair for his average to affect the position of a lower team if he wasn’t able to play.

There was a proposal for Chairman so this was left to the end.  The Chairman identified the following volunteers for roles:-

Treasurer Keith Clarke, Competition Secretary Den Cross, Dolly Recorder Scott Humphries and Geoff Lee as an extra committee member with John Simmons, Roy Taylor and Paul Stone (webmaster). It was explained that the Dolly Recorder would be shadowed by Paul Stone, Competition Secretary by John Simmons and that League Secretary issues would be handled by the Chairman and committee members.

The Chairman proposed that these roles were voted en bloc and D.Davies proposed and B. Duff seconded. Voted unanimously.

For the Chairman role James Barguss was proposed by P.Stone, Seconded by D.Cross, Reg Couch was proposed by V.Pratt and Seconded by C.Shewry. The votes were cast with 7 to James Barguss and 5 to Reg Couch. The newly confirmed Chairman then asked if Mr Couch would like to serve as Vice Chairman with a view to taking over at the end of the season. He agreed and C.Shewry proposed and B.Clapton seconded. Voted 12 for nil against.  The committee welcomed Mr Couch.

There being no further business the meeting finished at 8.20pm

The 2016 AGM at  started at just after 8 p.m at Abingdon United FC on the 25th January 2016.

Chairman James Barguss opened the meeting with apologies received from J.Simmons.

The team register showed 21 teams in attendance. B.Clapton/A.Woolloff agreed/seconded the minutes of the previous meeting.


Chairman Barguss recounted how the summer had successfully introduced the new scoring system albeit with some lower sections not entering cards online or even sending in cards which was described as horrific. With regret the Chairman had accepted the resignation of Mr Graham Brown after 38 years as Secretary/Treasurer and Doll Recorder. Also Mr Terry Downes after 28 years helping on the committee and ensuring all the trophies are updated and available for presentation night. It was Mr Downes that had suggested the change to plaques for section winners/runners up enabling the League to better use its funding. The Chairman and all present thanked them for all their hard work over the decades. The Chairman said that the introduction of the electronic scoring system was done to pre-empt the loss of knowledge with Mr Brown stepping down and to make the league upkeep easier knowing that this day might come. It does do this but it relies on each team playing their part in entering the scorecards – it we have to double check them, which we did last year it defeats the object and causes more work.

This leaves the grave situation that we have only 4 people on the Committee with big gaps in the Secretary and Treasurer positions which need to be filled or the League will sadly be unable to continue. Ideally we would like another 4 or 5 people to help with the workload so that it doesn’t fall to the few.

Treasurer’s report (Balance sheet) was presented and the Treasurer expressed his concern about the transfer of sponsorship funds directly to the website upkeep and amendment.
M.Ashmall/B.Davies proposed and seconded the balance sheet.


No motions were received.


With the dire situation with the Committee some suggestions were made from the floor. Mr Ashmall  suggested that some people may not be aware so asked for 1 week for people to take it back to their teams and ask for volunteers. It was agreed a fortnight’s grace would be done and that any volunteers should contact the Chairman. We need people in post before Registration night on Tues 23rd February.

Another suggestion was that a piece should be prepared for the printed papers (Oxford Mail etc) to appeal for help. The Chairman and the Webmaster will take this forward (along with social media).

Another suggestion was that it should be the Home team that was responsible for card entry. In reality the rules say that the winning Captain is responsible for getting the card to the Secretary – it is acknowledged that in reality others may enter the card and it was not necessary to change the rule at this time. However, the Chairman did say it’s up to both teams to check this has been done and done accurately and report things if not correct. For this reason teams should take a copy of the card (a simple mobile phone picture would do) to ensure accuracy. Another suggestion was that both teams could be entering the scores and the system altered to compare both results and submit if matching – this would take effort (£) to make amendments.

The question of the honoraria for the roles came up. Currently £500 (split between Sec/Treasurer £300 and Dolly Recorder £200) M.Ashmall suggested that if an extra £1 per player was charged this could fund a larger payment (around £800 for 800 players) to entice volunteers for the Secretary/Treasurer etc positions.

Election of Officers:

This was postponed pending more volunteers for the Committee. J.Barguss, P.Stone, R.Taylor & J.Simmons will continue in the interim.

Meeting ended at around 9pm.

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