For all of the member clubs who were unable to attend the January Annual General Meeting of the Summer League we thought it would only right to share with you the key points raised and the decisions taken at the meeting which was attended by around 30 people representing 18 of our member clubs (35%).
- The Chairman (Paul Stone) gave his report on the past season and thanked all of the 52 teams who participated in the 2023 season and congratulated all of the League and Competition winners and runners up on their success. He made particular mention of everyone who played who ensured that our league stayed strong despite the many problems we faced with the closure of some venues, the loss of some pitches and the other pressures that following the covid period. Paul thanked all who helped organise their teams and the landlords and stewards of our host pubs and clubs.
- The financial report was presented and the Treasurer said that the Association had made a small excess of income over expenditure again in 2023 despite the increased cost of trophies primarily because of the need to complete both the 2023 and 2024 engraving costs. He explained that our financial “health” was largely due to the ongoing and generous sponsorship that we received again in 2023 from Thames Cable for which we were extremely grateful. The Association had during late 2023 arranged a transfer of our Banking from Barclays Bank to the Newbury Building Society and explained that this was due to both access to a local branch and the ability to earn interest on our balance, which at the end of 2023 stood at £4860 net of outstanding payments.
- Fees for 2024 will remain unchanged £45 per team for up to 15 players in the league and £1 for each player entered in any of the competitions. These entry fees have basically unchanged for several years.
- Competitions will again be held on nominated Sundays (other than the 8’s) with the 5’s, 4’s and 3’s taking place on June 9th and the Pairs, Singles, Captains and Secretaries being held on August 11th.
- Finals Night will take place on September 18th and Presentation Night will be held on October 18th
(These dates are all provisional and will need to be confirmed before the start of the season) - The season will start on May 1st with the first round of the 8’s Competition with the league fixtures starting on May 8th and completing on September 11th
- In 2024 we plan, subject to levels of interest, to introduce some additional Competition’s limited to registered players from the lower sections. Initially this will be singles, pairs and possibly a 3’s team competition and the details of the proposals will be available in a few weeks time. Entry fees for these will also be £1 per player.
- The existing Committee was re-elected en-bloc for 2024 , but they expressed the hope that each section could have a nominated representative (or two) so that all sections can have an input via the Committee to any ideas, suggested changes or problems encountered that their team or other teams within their section experience. These roles would not be Committee positions so no real commitment other than being the “voice and the conscience” of teams in their section.
- A couple of minor rule changes were proposed and agreed.
- Firstly with regard to league positions to avoid any play offs at the end of the season any teams level of points gained will have their final, position determined by actual dolls scored.
- Secondly in Summer Competitions the need for a 3 stick, 1 stick throw off currently for each leg will be changed and will only be required in the event of a tied position at the completion of the 3rd leg.
- The Committee said that for 2024 we would like to increase the number of teams in the league ideally to 60 which would mean that we could run 6 sections with a full complement of 10 teams ensuring that all steams have the opportunity of 18 games. The problem with the number of byes in the lower sections in 2023 was raised as a concern and everyone agreed that if possible that should be avoided. The Committee asked all present for their help in trying to attract more teams and more players to the league in 2024. Website development was identified as an area for focus and possibly expenditure in 2024 as the site is now several years old and in need of some skilled input and probable improvement.
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