A couple of updates for you….
Registration Night – we had a good night getting teams signing on and by Roger’s count (he’s the Treasurer so I hope he’s good at counting 😀 ) we believe we have 54 teams signed on at present. Now some of last years teams have had to move venues, some we lost but we do have a couple of new entrants in Grove RFC and Horse and Jockey (S-in-the-V) and we have some venues with new 2nd teams. All positive stuff so thank you for supporting your league.
We have a few more spaces left therefore – as we said at the AGM ideally we’d like to be at the top end of the 50 teams rather than the bottom as there are less byes for sections so if you’re thinking of starting a team or a 2nd/3rd team at a venue you still have some time because….
We are now CLOSING registrations on the 30th March so if you are keen to take part get in touch as soon as possible via support @ abingdonauntsally.com.
If you want to know what happens next take a look at our process and you’ll be able to appreciate the work that goes on in the next month.
Our Banking – as we said at the AGM we are moving our accounts from one of the ‘big four’ to a building society. We have had such poor service from the current bank they’ve paid us some compensation for the 3-6 months trouble it has caused us. This is one of the reasons we couldn’t accept BACS payments this year. I’ve told Roger not to hold his breath for the compensation judging by past performance. Who knows next year we might even take card payments on Registration Night….
Website – every year we have issues with people not being able to login successfully to the website to enter scorecards – I have to say this isn’t always ‘human error’ as there’s an automatic lockout if you get it wrong 3 times. One of the reasons for this and why I have had to withdraw the self-registration process is because we were getting a few hundred duff accounts being requested each month – extra work rejecting them which I didn’t need. So we need to adopt a new subscribe process SO if you want to subscribe please drop an email to support and I will register you manually with the email address that you send from.
On the point of emails if you already have an account please make sure your profile has a valid email address registered. Once you login you can edit your profile in the top right of the screen – hover over your name and click Edit Profile.
EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS: One of the fixes I’ve recently applied is to make the mail system work again (hopefully some of you will get this post notified by email!) and this works by the address stored in your profile.
In the last week you may have noticed that the site had gone ‘not secure’ for a couple of days – this relates to the HTTPS encryption certificate expiring which, although we had paid the bill a few months earlier didn’t get actioned (by us or our hoster). This is now fixed and didn’t affect the data on the site.
InterLeague Match tonight – after stating on national radio last month that we didn’t have any interleague competitions (doh!) we are attending Banbury tonight to take part in their organised 8 league x 8 player knockout. It was a bit short notice but I’m sure with the crew we’ve cobbled together we’ll give a good account for Abingdon Aunt Sally. You’ll never know if you don’t give it a go!
I’ll post further details at the weekend when I’ve recovered. If you’re in the Banbury area and want to pop along to support email chairman @abingdonauntsally.com for details.
Thanks for reading this far and have a great weekend.
You know it’s good when you hear the wood!
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