We’ve published a provisional Section Fixtures and final (!) Competition Fixtures list on the website so you can plan your matches. We have some minor changes in the comps on the main league sheet (so use the separate comp fixture list) but the printers will be producing the final A3 sheets and the new scorecards this week and we’ll get the packs to your venues as soon as we can. This year’s sponsor is Dyno heating and plumbing and you’ll have a special surprise in your fixture packs!
Note we have a new Dolly Recorder this year in Vic Pratt and it’s his address on the new scorecards so please make sure you use them (they have a Wantage address).
SECRETARIES: if you’ve not logged in to make sure your credentials are still valid to enter scorecards please do so and contact us if you have problems so we don’t get a rush in the first week ! You can make sure you can reset your own passwords by ensuring you have a valid email address on your profile – that way you can use the password reset function. Thanks!
Well done chaps, this is all very informative and easy to use.