Team and Individual Competitions- Closing Date

A reminder to all teams entries for the Competitions close tomorrow night. We can extend the entries for the Singles, Pairs, Captains and Secretaries until late June as the date for those Competitions to take place is not until early August however entries for the Team events do need to be in this week as the date for those  Competitions are only 3 weeks away. At the moment we have a very limited number of entries so team captains and secretaries get your entries in before it is too late! Entry is open to all teams in all sections for these events.

We also intend to hold pairs and individual competitions exclusively for teams in section B and below later in the Summer and more details will be available over the next couple of weeks. The main singles, pairs, captains and secretary competitions are open to all sections so if individuals fancy their chances  or simply just want to take part they can enter both singles and pairs competitions!

We know that Sundays are not universally popular as a day to stage Competitions, but the Committee and those clubs at the AGM supported the move to Sundays. Whilst we do have some dissenters the past 2 years since we switched to Sundays have been pretty successful and particularly beneficial that most who entered turned up and competed unlike with our previous system there were many no shows and those who did turn up didn’t always get to play on the night because of the “no shows”

The important thing it is a personal choice as to whether individuals choose to enter or not and we respect that, but we also want to create the opportunity for everyone to take part and to make the Competitions easy to organise and administer and most of all competitive and enjoyable for all of those involved.

Remember the great British tradition…………….it’s not about the winning,  it’s about the taking part so let’s have as many us taking part even though our expectation of winning the Competition may not be great!




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