It’s been a few years since we originally setup the website with ‘users’ matching ‘team names’ and every year we get queries about passwords etc. So read on and find out what you can do to help make this easier and some of the reasons we have to do what we do!
If you are having difficulties in logging in please use the Team Support email and contact us separately.
PASSWORD RESETS : If you have a valid email address set on your profile you can request a password reset yourself. If not when you get us to reset it and you login successfully please add one to your profile (see below).
USER ACCOUNTS: We get many bots trying to register fake accounts so it’s difficult to see the wheat from the chaff when valid players or AASL friends do not make it obvious they are genuine users. We can get dozens of these a week so it’s not a simple job to spot fakes or even genuine users. They try it on with fake accounts so they can attempt to hack the site later.
We are therefore removing any accounts with risky/undeliverable email addresses. These will be denied and deleted. If that is you and you can’t login either email Team Support or re-register with a VALID email address AND make it obvious you’re not a bot by using your proper name or name+team name. That way, if you are traceable in the league, we can approve registration quicker.
If you are not a registered player then please email Team Support for help and thanks for being interested.
MATCH CARD PERMISSION: If you are a Secretary (or stand-in) and need to enter Match Cards then use the Team Support email after you have registered successfully and this will be separately enabled for you if you give us your team name, email/user details.
EDIT YOUR PROFILE – It is also in your interest to set your First and Surname in your profile – again this helps us validate real users. Once logged in just click on the top right where it says ‘Hi,….’ and edit your preferences etc.
EMAIL and PASSWORDS: It’s in your interest to have a valid email registered because you can reset your own password when forgotten and get notified of updates. On passwords we are insisting on high strength passwords which can be generated for you on reset and if you use a modern browser you can safely store these for next time you login so you don’t have to remember them. Why ? Because of the simplicity now in hacking passwords means crackable passwords could be the weak link that gets the website hacked. By the way – you need to have the strongest and different passwords for all your accounts especially your email account and any banks!
For more password advice see
the captain of the grapes has got the score card. i have got a copy but dont know how to send.
Donald – I’m assuming Grapes won so they put the scores in. Losing side should verify the scores online with their copy of the card just to make sure all is well.