The 2015 AGM at started at 8 p.m at Abingdon United FC on the 26th January 2015.
Chairman James Barguss opened the meeting with apologies received from C.Brind and J.Simmons.
The team register showed 15 teams in attendance. P.Sowden/B.Clapton agreed/seconded the minutes of the previous meeting.
With the sad news of the death of Martin Sheridan (the day before) adding to the great loss of Graham Barguss (ex-Chairman) in 2014 a minutes silence was held and the Chairman speech was foregone.
Treasurer’s report was received and agreed by T.Downes/K.Buckle
A motion was received that proposed by P.Stone/T.Woolloff that the Singles Final be played over 5 legs instead of 3. This was defeated 9-6. No other motions were received.
An under 35s competition was suggested by last years youngest singles champion Scott Humphreys. Various issues were talked about including the funding of trophies and in the end we all thought it was a waste of time.
Brian Adams also suggested consideration of lowering the team size and number of players signed on. After discussion it was viewed this wasn’t necessary this year due to a buoyant league.
Terry Downes drew attention to rule 16 which states that the Caller should be from the home team. It says nothing about the other sticker up which could if agreed come from the away team. This would allow more home players to interact with their teammates. As this does not require a rule change it can be done any time if teams think its a good idea.
Finally a vote on the implementation of the online match card system was taken with a vote of 10-1 ??? in favour of using it this 2015 season. In addition match cards will be filled in as usual and sent to the Secretary for backup.
Election of Officers:
Officers volunteered to stay another term and were block voted in.
Meeting ended at 8.50pm.
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