Competitions: Pairs Results – Complete

With the Wednesday’s thunderstorms the Pairs Knockout competitions were already one venue down with the Tandem limping out without any lighting due to the storms that took out some of Kennington. The Tandem venue will be was replayed in August (after other competitions).

2016 Pairs rerun Tandem

Tandem Pairs play sheet


Geoff Lee ran the rescheduled Pairs at the Tandem on 4th August.

M Manion & J Pounceby from the Vine in Cumnor (section B) won through to the finals night, they both played outstandingly with Manion not scoring less than 3 dolls every visit.
They played D Butler & B Adams in the final game who gave them a good run for their money but came up against 2 worthy opponents who thoroughly deserved the victory.

Semi-finals will be played on Finals Night on Wednesday 14th Sept at Abingdon United FC.

Winners of the venues are as follows and pictures etc below.

Venue Semi-Finalists
Tandem M Manion/J Pounceby (The Vine)
Steventon Sports John Simmons/Mick Phillips (Spread Eagle)
Abingdon Con.Club Dave Hudson/Graham Brown (Spread Eagle)
Berinsfield SC Ian Brook/Barry Stowell (Spread Eagle B)


(click on photos to enlarge)

A soggy night at Berinsfield didn’t deter Ian Brook from scoring 4’s in the rain.2016 Pairs Berinsfield - a Wet One

2016 Pairs Berinsfield Scoreboard2016 Pairs Berinsfield games


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