Sections D E and F have missing scorecards. Some results have not been entered online and neither has a scorecard been received by the Secretary.
This means that the resulting league tables are inconsistent/incomplete for these sections.
Rule 15 states that it has always been the responsibility of the Winning or Home (if drawn) side to ensure the results are reported by scorecard and this year, online. It is also sensible for the opposing team to check both the scorecard (before signing it) and the online results to ensure the correct results are recorded. This is why we recommend both teams take a photo of the scorecard for checking purposes or to provide evidence if scorecards are lost in the post.
Obviously, in these sections NONE of these actions had been completed in some cases resulting in missing results altogether, making the league tables incomplete and possibly affecting the Top Dolls for each section. Fortunately, it looks like this isn’t affecting any challenge to the top of these sections this year.
The Committee will not tolerate any infringement of these rules and it will result in a fine and disqualification of the team and as individuals, all the registered players for that team until the fine is paid (regardless of which team you play for next year).