Author Archive | Paul Stone

Summer 2015 Week 17 Scores

Sixers:- None

Blobbers:- A Yates (Packhorse Milton), C Perry (Brewery Tap B Abingdon), J Hunt (Hinds Head), J Moxon (RAL RecSoc Rutherford), K Parker (Brewery Tap B Abingdon), R Tyler (Steventon Sports B), S Hunt (Wheatsheaf B)

Section Section Home Points Away Points
Premier Premier Fox Steventon 3 Abingdon UTD B 3
Premier A Spread Eagle 6 Tandem 0
A A Abingdon UTD D 1 Spread Eagle B 5
A Premier Hart Harwell A 4 Steventon Sports A 2
A Premier Plum Pudding 5 Berinsfield SC A 1
B B Abingdon Con Club 4 Waggon and Horses A 2
B B Berinsfield SC B 1 Stanford in the Vale FC 5
B B College Oak A 2 Plough East Hendred 4
B B North Star A 1 Abingdon RBL A 5
C C Abingdon UTD C 4 Fox Denchworth B 2
C C Bowyers Arms 3 College Oak B 3
C C Hatchet Childrey 2 Chequers 4
C C Royal Oak 6 Black Horse A 0
D D Fleur de Lys 4 Plum Pudding B 2
D D Hinds Head 1 Red Lion B 5
D D Wheatsheaf B 4 Vine Cumnor 2
E E Bear & Ragged Staff 3 Harwell RBL A 3
E E Vine B Cumnor 6 FMSSC M/Star Cholsey 0
E E Wheatsheaf Drayton 3 Boundary House Abingdon 3
F F Brewery Tap A 0 Spread Eagle C 6
F F Harwell RBL B 3 Abingdon Arms Wantage 3
F F Plough Long Wittenham 4 North Star Steventon C 2
G G Crown Marcham 3 Old Anchor B Abingdon 3
G G Packhorse Milton 2 Brewery Tap B Abingdon 4
G G Steventon Sports B 2 Plough Appleton 4
G G Waggon & Horses B Southmoor 4 Black Swan B Abingdon 2
H H RAL RecSoc Rutherford 1 The Bell Grove 5

Summer 2015 – Over 14s

Total Over_14s
16 B Parker 6-4-6 (Fox Steventon) – Week 15
16 L Clapton 5-5-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 8
15 B Parker 4-5-6 (Fox Steventon) – Week 14
15 D Hudson 5-6-4 (Spread Eagle) – Week 13
15 B Parker 5-5-5 (Fox Steventon) – Week 11
15 D Mott 5-4-6 (Spread Eagle) – Week 11
15 D Bowler 4-6-5 (Red Lion A) – Week 6
15 J Simmons 6-4-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 4
14 D Dix 4-4-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 16
14 J Simmons 5-4-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 15
14 D Dix 4-5-5 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 15
14 D Cross 4-5-5 (Spread Eagle B) – Week 14
14 P Wright 6-5-3 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 11
14 D Hudson 4-5-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 10
14 D Dix 6-4-4 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 8
14 A Bell 6-3-5 (Fox Steventon) – Week 6
14 J Simmons 6-2-6 (Spread Eagle) – Week 6
14 B Moody 4-5-5 (Steventon Sports A) – Week 6
14 A Pocock 4-5-5 (College Oak B) – Week 6
14 D Dix 4-4-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 5
14 N Biggs 5-4-5 (Tandem) – Week 5
14 J Simmons 3-6-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 3
14 D Dix 3-5-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 3
14 P Barrett 5-3-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 2


Summer 2015 Week 16 Scores

Sixers :- D Dix (Abingdon UTD B), R Glen (Stanford in the Vale FC), T Downes (Plum Pudding)

Blobbers:- A Latiner (Steventon Sports B), C Reed (Stanford in the Vale FC), D Biggs (Black Swan A), J Rolls (Berinsfield SC C), K Beard (FMSSC M/Star Cholsey), M Hadaway (Plough Appleton), M Parker (Brewery Tab B Abingdon), P Sapwell (Plough Appleton), R Green (Black Swan A), S Byrne (Crown Marcham)

Section Section Home Points Away Points
Premier Premier Abingdon UTD B 6 Spread Eagle 0
Premier A Berinsfield SC A 2 Hart Harwell A 4
A A Spread Eagle B 2 Plum Pudding 4
A A Tandem 4 Abingdon UTD D 2
B B Abingdon RBL A 2 College Oak A 4
B B Plough East Hendred 4 Berinsfield SC B 2
B B Stanford in the Vale FC 6 Abingdon Con Club 0
B B Waggon and Horses A 2 Red Lion A 4
C C Black Horse A 2 Fox Denchworth A 4
C C Chequers 3 Bowyers Arms 3
C C College Oak B 4 Royal Oak 2
C C Fox Denchworth B 3 Hatchet Childrey 3
D D Red Lion B 6 Wheatsheaf B 0
D D Vine Cumnor 6 Fleur de Lys 0
E E Boundary House Abingdon 6 Black Swan A 0
E E FMSSC M/Star Cholsey 0 Wheatsheaf Drayton 6
E E Harwell RBL A 6 Vine B Cumnor 0
F F Abingdon Arms Wantage 2 Plough Long Wittenham 4
F F Spread Eagle C 4 Old Anchor A 2
G G Black Swan B Abingdon 6 Steventon Sports B 0
G G Brewery Tab B Abingdon 6 Red Lion Drayton C 0
G G Old Anchor B Abingdon 4 Packhorse Milton 2
G G Plough Appleton 3 Crown Marcham 3
H H Berinsfield SC C 0 The Bell Grove 6

Summer 2015 – Over 14s – Parker tops with a 16

Three new entries this week from Barry Parker (16), John Simmons (14) and Dave Dix (14).

B Parker 6-4-6 (Fox Steventon) – Week 15
L Clapton 5-5-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 8
B Parker 5-5-5 (Fox Steventon) – Week 11
B Parker 4-5-6 (Fox Steventon) – Week 14
J Simmons 6-4-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 4
D Mott 5-4-6 (Spread Eagle) – Week 11
D Hudson 5-6-4 (Spread Eagle) – Week 13
D Bowler 4-6-5 (Red Lion A) – Week 6
A Bell 6-3-5 (Fox Steventon) – Week 6
J Simmons 3-6-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 3
J Simmons 6-2-6 (Spread Eagle) – Week 6
J Simmons 5-4-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 15
D Hudson 4-5-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 10
P Barrett 5-3-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 2
D Dix 3-5-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 3
D Dix 4-4-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 5
D Dix 6-4-4 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 8
D Dix 4-5-5 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 15
P Wright 6-5-3 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 11
B Moody 4-5-5 (Steventon Sports A) – Week 6
D Cross 4-5-5 (Spread Eagle B) – Week 14
N Biggs 5-4-5 (Tandem) – Week 5
A Pocock 4-5-5 (College Oak B) – Week 6

Summer 2015 Week 15 Scores

Sixers:- B Duff (Abingdon UTD B), B Parker (x2 Fox Steventon), J Barguss (Steventon Sports A), M Phillips (Spread Eagle), M Rusher (Royal Oak), N Biggs (Tandem), N Weston (Fox Steventon)

Blobbers:- M Cousins (Black Swan A), R Dawson (Plough Appleton)

Section Section Home Points Away Points
Premier A Abingdon UTD B 6 Tandem 0
Premier Premier Fox Steventon 6 Berinsfield SC A 0
Premier Premier Spread Eagle 4 Steventon Sports A 2
A A Hart Harwell A 5 Spread Eagle B 1
A A Plum Pudding 4 Abingdon UTD D 2
B B Abingdon Con Club 2 Plough East Hendred 4
B B Berinsfield SC B 2 Abingdon RBL A 4
B B College Oak A 6 North Star A 0
B B Red Lion A 4 Stanford in the Vale FC 2
C C Bowyers Arms 2 Fox Denchworth B 4
C C Fox Denchworth A 0 College Oak B 6
C C Hatchet Childrey 2 Abingdon UTD C 4
C C Royal Oak 2 Chequers 4
D D Fleur de Lys 4 Red Lion B 2
E E Bear & Ragged Staff 4 Boundary House A Abingdon 2
E E Black Swan A 2 FMSSC M/Star Cholsey 4
E E Wheatsheaf Drayton 6 Harwell RBL A 0
G G Crown Marcham 1 Black Swan B Abingdon 5
G G Packhorse Milton 4 Plough Appleton 2
G G Steventon Sports B 0 Waggon & Horses B Southmoor 6
H H Black Horse Hanney B 2 The Bell Grove 4



Will all last year’s winners and runners-up please return their league trophies to their pub/club or to a Committee member BEFORE the last game of the season.

We need to prepare the trophies for presentation night and get them engraved with the new winners etc so they need to be back to us soon.

Thank You



Can all Secretary’s please check the spellings of their team members on the online system? If you have a chance of winning/runner up in your section or other trophy what is online will be what is on the plaque or cup. Drop the webmaster an email with the team name, section and player details to get it corrected.

Many thanks



Winter League 2015 – Players Needed

Tosh Woolloff, the Winter League organiser, has requested to ask if there are any players interested in fitting into existing teams for the Winter League.

Games are played on a Wednesday at Abingdon United FC from 7:45 with 5 games a night for the 10 teams in the league each of 5 players (30 mins a game). Season starts first Wednesday in October.

If you are interested please contact Tosh directly by email to


Summer 2015 Week 14 Scores

Sixers:- A Woolloff (Plum Pudding), B Moody (Steventon Sports A), B Parker (Fox Steventon), C Bishop (College Oak B), D Dix (Abingdon UTD B), M Phillips (Spread Eagle), S Martin (Abingdon UTD D)

Blobbers:- A Fletcher (Black Horse A),  C Armstrong (Grapes A),  C Perry (Brewery Tab B Abingdon),  M Parker (Brewery Tab B Abingdon),  M Whild (Old Anchor B Abingdon),  N Beard (FMSSC M/Star Cholsey),  R Brown (Crown Marcham)


Section Section Home Points Away Points
Premier Premier Berinsfield SC A 0 Spread Eagle 6
Premier Premier Steventon Sports A 0 Abingdon UTD B 6
A A Abingdon UTD D 2 Hart Harwell A 4
A Premier Spread Eagle B 2 Fox Steventon 4
A A Tandem 2 Plum Pudding 4
B B Abingdon RBL A 6 Abingdon Con Club 0
B B Plough East Hendred 2 Red Lion A 4
B B Stanford in the Vale FC 6 Waggon and Horses A 0
C C Abingdon UTD C 5 Bowyers Arms 1
C C Chequers 2 Fox Denchworth A 4
C C College Oak B 4 Black Horse A 2
C C Fox Denchworth B 3 Royal Oak 3
D D Hinds Head 4 Fleur de Lys 2
D D Plum Pudding B 4 Abingdon UTD E 2
D D Vine Cumnor 6 Grapes A 0
E E Boundary House A Abingdon 2 Vine B Cumnor 4
E E FMSSC M/Star Cholsey 2 Boundary House Abingdon 4
E E Grapes B Abingdon 0 Wheatsheaf Drayton 6
E E Harwell RBL A 4 Black Swan A 2
F F Abingdon Arms Wantage 3 North Star Steventon C 3
F F Brewery Tap A 2 Harwell RBL B 4
F F Spread Eagle C 5 Plough Long Wittenham 1
G G Black Swan B Abingdon 6 Packhorse Milton 0
G G Old Anchor B Abingdon 4 Brewery Tab B Abingdon 2
G G Plough Appleton 2 Red Lion Drayton C 4
G G Waggon & Horses B Southmoor 4 Crown Marcham 2

Summer 2015 – Over 14s Week 14 !

Two additions to the over 14s this week – both from the same game!
Barry Parker (Fox Steventon) with a 4-5-6 run and Den Cross (Spread Eagle B) with 4-5-5 – both Anchor men!
And I should mention Dave Hudson (Spread Eagle) who sneaked in a crafty 14 last week.

The scores are now ordered total score and by the newest week.

L Clapton 5-5-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 8
B Parker 4-5-6 (Fox Steventon) – Week 14
D Hudson 5-6-4 (Spread Eagle) – Week 13
B Parker 5-5-5 (Fox Steventon) – Week 11
D Mott 5-4-6 (Spread Eagle) – Week 11
D Bowler 4-6-5 (Red Lion A) – Week 6
J Simmons 6-4-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 4
D Cross 4-5-5 (Spread Eagle B) – Week 14
P Wright 6-5-3 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 11
D Hudson 4-5-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 10
D Dix 6-4-4 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 8
A Bell 6-3-5 (Fox Steventon) – Week 6
J Simmons 6-2-6 (Spread Eagle) – Week 6
B Moody 4-5-5 (Steventon Sports A) – Week 6
A Pocock 4-5-5 (College Oak B) – Week 6
D Dix 4-4-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 5
N Biggs 5-4-5 (Tandem) – Week 5
J Simmons 3-6-5 (Spread Eagle) – Week 3
D Dix 3-5-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 3
P Barrett 5-3-6 (Abingdon UTD B) – Week 2