Summer League AGM 2019 was held at Abingdon United FC Lounge Bar
at 19:30 on 28th January 2019
The AGM was opened at 8pm by Chairman James Barguss.
Apologies received from Mr T.Downes and Mr R.Nichols.
Minutes of the last AGM were summarised and accepted as a true record. See
Team registration showed 15 teams represented.
Abingdon Conservative Club B, Spread Eagle A, College Oak A, Fox B Denchworth, Vine, White HArt, Abingdon Legion, Abingdon Conservative Club A, Plum Pudding, Standford In-the-Vale FC, Abingdon United B, Abingdon United C, Fox A Denchworth, Bell Grove, Plough Long Wittenham.
The Chairman stated that he was stepping down because of time commitments for committee work and that the chairmanship needed a player that could put new ideas and energy into the role.
The Treasurer’s Report showed a continuing positive view of the funds with subscriptions and significant sponsorship making the league viable despite fluctuations in teams and players and slight increases in costs for trophies and website development.
Mr Hudson queried what provision is made in the constitution should the Association fold. There is currently no provision to state what is done with funds should the Association fold although with the current boyancy this is no longer a possibility. The Committee would consider any action required.
Mr Hudson also queries why a substantial reserve is being held. It became obvious from meeting discussions that some of these reserves could be used for promotional activities for the 60th anniversary year and possible website enhancement.
Motions & Rule Changes – No motions were received before the AGM although there were some Committee suggestions.
General Rules
Mr R.Nicols (absent) suggested a deadline and fine for non-return of competition trophies. The meeting unanimously adopted the suggestion.
Mr R.Nichols (absent) suggested that a rule is also introduced that teams would be charged the replacement cost of any lost trophies. The meeting unanimously adopted the suggestion.
Mr R.Nichols (absent) suggested that the return date for competition entries is extended from registration night to 1 April 2019. The meeting unanimously adopted the suggestion.
Mr R. Nichols (absent) suggested that competitions should be spread across the season and not just in the first 2 months. The meeting recalled the original reasons were that more teams were entered and hence there were more rounds over more weeks but also it was schedule like this to avoid ‘factory shutdowns’. The meeting agreed the Committe was free to adopt any scheduling necessary for the Competitions.
Mr R.Nichols (absent) raised the issue that both teams lose points should neither side enter the scorecard online by the deadline. The meeting agreed that this is a practical way forward as this behaviour is becoming less each year.
Mr R.Nichols (absent) asked the meeting if it was now sensible to drop the ‘foot fault’ rule as there seems to be no enforcement by teams. The meeting agreed to keep the foot fault rule as not having one would risk further regression of the game.
Points of Order
Mr.A.Wooloff expressed his concern over some individuals lack of respect for the committee members voiced directly during the last season. The meeting supported Mr.Wooloff in this issue and stated that such behaviour should not be tolerated with an ultimate sanction of the player being banned from the league.
Election of Officers
Chairman Barguss and Secretary Stone are stepping down at this meeting. Mr.A.Wooloff was considering his position to continue as Competition Secretary.
Mr D.Dix was proposed by Mr A.Wooloff and Mr D.Harris to stand as Chairman and was voted 14 for with 1 abstention (Mr.Dix).
There were no proposals for Secretary or volunteers for Competition Secretary.
Ms C.Foster was voted unanimously to the Committee likely being the first female member.
The following existing Committee members were voted en block unanimously.
Vice-Chairman | Reg Couch |
Treasurer | Roger Nichols |
Competition Secretary | Tosh Wooloff |
Dolly Recorder | Vic Pratt |
Roy Taylor |
Any Other Business
Mr.M.Ashmall suggested that the Association may wish to have a stall at the upcoming Abingdon Clubs and Societies day (16th March) organised by the Abingdon Mayor.
Mr V.Pratt expressed thanks to the outgoing Chairman and Secretary.
There being no Other Business the meeting closed at 9.10pm.
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