Summer League AGM – Monday 22nd January – Minutes

Summer League AGM was held at Abingdon United FC Lounge Bar

at 19:30 on 22nd January 2018

The AGM was opened at 8pm by Chairman James Barguss.

Minutes of the last AGM were summarised and accepted as a true record. See 

Team registration showed 19 teams represented.

Fox A Denchworth, Fox B Denchworth, College Oak A, Spread Eagle, Spread Eagle B, White Horse A, White Horse B, Hart of Harwell, Bell Grove, Abingdon Utd, Ab.Utd C, Ab.Legion@Utd, Plum Pudding, Berinsfield B & C, Abingdon Conservative Club & A, Stanford In The Vale FC, Wheatsheaf Drayton.

The Chairman was saddened to have to write on three occasions to venues because of player behaviour.  This is not something that the game needs. He thanked the Committee for their work and requested players to see what they can do to help the league. If a player has someone regularly asking about the game, and it’s difficult enough to explain it, ask them to come along and see for themselves and get involved.

The Treasurer’s Report showed a positive view of the funds with subscriptions, significant sponsorship and an anonymous donation for printing costs all making the league viable despite fluctuations in teams and players.

Motions & Rule Changes – No motions were received before the AGM although there was a proposed rule change and some Committee suggestions.


Mr D.Hudson (absent) requested clarification of rules 32 and 38. The meeting voted 14-5 in favour of a 30 minute practice session at the start of Finals Night and Presentation Night where games are played.

Mr G Brind (absent) suggested to reduce the number of teams in the top 2-3 sections and play all competitions on a Wednesday.

Mr S.Humphries (absent) suggested Competition forms not be returned until 2 weeks into the league start. He also suggested a Handicap be introduced to the 8s competition.

Further to Mr Brind and Mr Humphries suggestions the meeting voted 9-8 to introduce a trial of 8’s competitions on a Wednesday (all sections therefore getting a 2 week break and extending the league schedule)  and voted 13-1 for introduction of a Handicap to be decided by the Committee. 

The meeting also voted 7-6 for the competitions to still require named players rather than any registered player to simplify competition registration.

Mr R.Nichols suggested a reworking of the rules into Constitution, League Rules and Competition Rules to aid understanding and clarity. This will be carried out by the Committee ready for season start.

Election of Officers

It is the intention of Mr Stone to step back from full League Secretary duties (having served on the Committee for 12 years) after the season starts and although there we no nominations for the role Mr M. Ashmall donated some time to aid the Committee.

Chairman James Barguss
Vice-Chairman Reg Couch
Webmaster/ Secretary Paul Stone
Treasurer Roger Nicholls
Competition Secretary Tosh Woolloff
Dolly Recorder Vic Pratt
Roy Taylor
Scott Humphries

All existing Committee members were voted en block unanimously.

There being no Other Business the meeting closed at 9.05pm

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